The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152186   Message #3558369
Posted By: Little Hawk
12-Sep-13 - 10:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama's Greatest Achievement?
Subject: RE: BS: Obama's Greatest Achievement?
I don't comprehend how anyone can think Obama is a Marxist! Heh! What a bizarre notion. The Democratic Party has moved so far to the political Right in the last few decades since 1980 that it has caused the RepuGlicans (deliberate mispelling) to virtually fall OFF the right edge of a metaphorical flat Earth in a desperate effort to continue appearing "right-of-the-Democrats" to their loyal base of small town and rural conservatives who more than anything dread LIBERALISM and SOCIALISM! It's hilarious mythology. It's also quite unfortunate, because it is pushing the entire American 2-party system in the direction of ultra-aggressive alliance of Big Business and Big Banking with Big Militarism and illegal Wars of Choice on whomever they decide to attack and take over. That's hardly what I would call 'Marxism', as it's based on the profit motive above all else, and it is run by the foremost profiteers.

The very threat of launching a war on Syria or anyone else is illegal by world law. It is the act of a rogue nation. It's the kind of stuff Hitler, Tojo, and Mussolini did. It's criminal behaviour, as was the 2003 War on Iraq. This is pretty plain to almost all the nations in the world, but apparently not to America's political leaders, who seem to think that their nation sprang from the Divine Hand of God, and therefore can attack whom it wants to whenever it wants to, upon any flimsy pretext, and without any actual threat to itself from the targeted country!

Well, Hitler thought that way too...and you see what it got him in the long run. There will be serious consequences in the long run, and they won't be nice, because no system this arrogant and irresponsible can go on forever. Eventually it makes too many enemies, and eventually it falls.