The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10390   Message #3559661
Posted By: GUEST,Moe Hirsch
18-Sep-13 - 04:43 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Crawdad Song
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Crawdad Song
Here are some verses to the Cradad Song I recall from the 1940s:

       [Woody Guthrie:]

Little bitty baby nine days old...   (x3)
Stuck his finger in the crawdad hole...

    [Josh White:]

Slats in the bed go blam-te-blam... (x3)
But I'll go right to sleep like I don't give a damn...

What you gonna do when the meat gives out,... (×3)
Hang around town, mouth in a pout...

What you gonna do when your man gives out,... (×3)
[Slow and bluesy:]
         First I'll grab my money, kick him off the place,
         Then I'll use the other man, I had around just in case,
[At tempo:]
           Honey, Sugar Baby mine.