The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28477   Message #356180
Posted By: katlaughing
13-Dec-00 - 12:00 AM
Thread Name: Jane Fonda's exploits, please read
Subject: RE: Jane Fonda's exploits, please read
Troll, sorry, but I do not agree with your generalisation about people who were against the war. A great many of the ones I know today are low-to-middle class and care very much about veterans, including some of my family. During the protests against the Gulf War, my daughters and I were shoudler to shoulder with many who had been anti-war in the 60's and 70's. They came from all walks of life and most economic levels; I say most because there were not any from gated communities etc.

I would like to say thank you to you, Troll, and you, Barry for sharing so much, even if you don't see eye-to-eye. I am sorry for the pain and anger and the lost lives and, for Earl and everyone else who still is effected by that time in our history. To some degree, we all are, I suppose, just not as directly.

Thanks to Big Mick, as always a strong voice on this subject and to Mary Garvey, who has shared a bit of her pain before with us.

We do need to hear your voices, everyone's voices in order to understand and to work through, and hopefully, to prevent such a terrible thing from happening, again.

Please don't stop talking about it, esp. if it helps in anyway, even one person.

With respect,
