The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3562400
Posted By: Jim Carroll
29-Sep-13 - 02:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
Mike, My answer remains the same - I hate all (religions is probably the wrong word - "churches" is more appropriate) which oppress, murder. persecute people in the name of their particular god
As someone whose family has been a direct victim of such persecution through a good part of the twentieth century, I feel I have the right to do so.
However, I have become sickened by the constant efforts of someone who will use thread after thread, subject after subject, as a platform to attack one particular religion while defending the atrocities of other Churches - let me hasten to say, I do not refer to you directly, but you have allowed yourself to become tarred with this particular brush
Of course I am appalled by any religious killing and detest those churchmen who carry out such barbaric practices, but to see those practices used to malign ALL followers of that or any religion and add our persecution and hostility to the problems of those who have chosen to make a life away from these evils, equally appalls me.      
I know first hand the malign effect that a powerful and influential religion can have on individual families, communities and entire nations, but to make all believers of those faiths the target of constant abuse, branding them as cultural perverts, suspected killers and a general threat to 'our way of life' is as evil as anything dreamed up by the mad mullahs, extremist Zionists or fundamentalist Christians who pollute our world today and make it the minefield it has become.
Georgiansilver summed up my feelings about Christianity and I would apply his/her summary to all religions, not just one.
Jim Carroll