The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3562425
Posted By: MGM·Lion
29-Sep-13 - 05:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
Mike, My answer remains the same - I hate all (religions is probably the wrong word - "churches" is more appropriate) which oppress, murder. persecute people in the name of their particular god
But it is not an 'answer', Jim - the same or not the same - to the question that I asked, for crying out bloody loud. I didn't ask who you hate. I don't give a flying one who you hate. Hate away till you're blue in the bleeding face and very funny you'll look. But all this has Sweet Miss Adams to do with identifying any Christian state or society in which apostasy is a judicial capital offence, as it is undisputedly [or anyhow you haven't disputed it & neither have any of the rest of you] in several Muslim-governed entities; which was the question I asked and to which you have furnished no 'answer', direct or implied, whatsoever.

All you have said makes perfectly good sense, and I would agree with much of it. But it bears no relevance to a VERY SPECIFIC question I asked; so why oh why do you persist in telling me it is an answer to it? As I said above: it's a good answer to many questions that might have been asked, but not, as you keep insisting, to the one that was. If I said what are 9x7 and you said 42, that would have been a fine answer - if only I had asked what are 7x6; but as an answer to what I actually did ask it would be worse than useless, wouldn't it? Can you really not see that point?

So put up or shut up --- please! You are boring me intolerably with your pertinacious point-missing. Not that that's anything new, is it?
