The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3562627
Posted By: Jim Carroll
29-Sep-13 - 08:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
"First Jim, not all Christians oppose abortion."
This is not about "all Christians" it is about a church who totally opposes abortion/termination in any shape or form, who opposes contraception in any shape or form other than abstention and insists on controlling sex education (what there is of it) should be carried out by a clergy made up (supposedly) of celibates.
Sexual promiscuity was met with extreme punishment ranging from shaming - banishment beatings, ostracising..... to being confined into the slavery of the Magdalene Laundries which administered beatings, sexual abuse, harassment, constant humiliation and forced labour - the last Laundry closed in 1996.
Who gives a toss what you think (do you think?) - this is the most powerful Christian Church on this planet
"no church has any say in what procedures are carried out in British, and I am sure, Irish hospitals."

Ireland's laws governing sexual practices and all other moral issues were passed only with the blessing of the church, just as those in the North were dominated by the Church there - a throwback to the Scots Presbyterian churches there.
Would you like a peep at what happened throughout Wales?
You have been given the story elsewhere of the 10 year old Bolivian child who was raped by a farmer, became pregnant and contacted 2 sexually transmitted diseases. These facts were hidden by the Nuns who ran the hospital until it was too late for a legal termination to be performed, despite the fact that her age and condition guaranteed that attempting to give birth would certainly kill her.
When the parents applied for a dispensation from the church, they were told that "she should embrace her martyrdom".
Tell me about Christianity - I seem to have missed something.
"This thread is about the evil of persecuting people for their faith."
Thread drift again
The title of this thread is " Christian Persecution" and it can equally be applied to persecution by Christians
How dare you attempt to steer this thread into your comfort zone - we can discuss any aspect of this term we wish to DO NOT ARTTEMPT TO CENCOR THIS DISCUSSION - YOU HAVE NO AUTHORITY ON THIS FORUM AND YOU HAVE LOST ANY RESPECT THAT YOU MIGHT ONCE HAVE HAD.
"Third, other religions, e.g. Islam, are anti-abortion, so why single out Christianity for your attack?"
The title of this forum indicates it to be about Christians ISN'T THAT WHAT YOU HAVE JUST SAID - we all run the risk of being accused BY YOU of being accused of "THREAD DRIFT" if we try to bring Islam into the equation.
What planet are you living on?
"England, where many of the contributors to this thread reside, religious organisations can fund and manage hospitals but cannot control them on religious grounds"

Jim Carroll