The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152352   Message #3563145
Posted By: GUEST,Fred McCormick
01-Oct-13 - 06:24 AM
Thread Name: The political songs of today?
Subject: RE: The political songs of today?
Richard, there are plenty of people out there writing good radical stuff. The trouble is you won't hear most of it in folkclubs. You would probably be better off trying a few acoustic nights. Also of course socialist choirs etc on demos.

Also, I gather that the anti-capitalist road show will be at the Lewes folk festival this year. Definitely worth checking out. For individual singers, Alun Parry from Liverpool, is for my money the best person writing political stuff at the moment. . Also, Claire Mooney in Manchester has written some good stuff. And there's Kevin Littlewood in Southport and Janet Russell and Jim Wooodland who are now based in Derbyshire. Sorry about the concentration on the north west, but that's the part of the country I know most about. Of course there's Robb Johnson, who's conveniently down your way, and who I believe runs a radical singing club (in Lewes ?). I find him a bit obscurantist, but that's probably personal taste.

On top of all that, there's the wonderful Sisters Unlimited, who combine radical and feminist songs with an indomitable sense of fun! Who said that fighting the system has to be all doom and gloom and broken pit props?

Plus there's quite a lot of stuff on Youtube. In fact I hope to get some of my own songs on there in the next few days. I'll post the URLs on Mudcat when I finally acheive the breakthrough.