The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3563798
Posted By: GUEST,Musket
02-Oct-13 - 10:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
Yep. Sadly, no longer news. As aren't the Baghdad bombings. The only news in the quick and dirty pulse check I just did was the one I just mentioned.

Persecution of religion and indeed lack of religion is all over the place. I think the argument in this thread many find distasteful is the inference that Christians either suffer more or are more deserving of respect to push their particular flavour on others.

I suppose it must be frustrating when you are a member of one particular club that normal people don't sympathise with your club more than any other. Cheer up, the media obviously feels you can sell Christian persecution more than any other form of persecution. Hence we hear more about it.

In downtown Bangkok yesterday, the police told our tuk tuk driver to go a different route to our destination because of an Islamic rally coming down the street, protesting about an American film just been released that they reckon provokes them. What that had to do with poor bloody Thailand I don't know? But that's the problem with religion, it all relies on ignorant masses being controlled. Normally at the expense of other ignorant masses.

A plague on all their houses.