The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3563866
Posted By: MGM·Lion
03-Oct-13 - 05:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
I am not "counting corpses", Jim I have already agreed that anywhere that corpses result, in whatever quantities, is equivalent in obloquy: but motivation is still a factor; publicly cutting off someone's head with a blunt knife as outcome of a judicial decision after what passes for due legal process is at the top of even that scale, and if you can't see that then your blinkers must have turned into a complete blindfold. &, as you admit, the horrible 'embrace-your-martyrdom' times for pregnant children in Ireland are in the past - the too recent past agreed, but not NOW, this moment, as the beheadings in Tripoli &c are.

But you persist in regarding even more minor abuse & disadvantages as being indistinguishable from those: "Persecution is persecution", you say; making no distinction as to whether the deaths resultant are deliberate judicial execution, or a by-product of other prohibitions; and all of them equivalent to the expense & inconvenience of having to make a journey to get a safe termination. You are being disgracefully disingenuous ~~ & you know it. You are, as you have frequently demonstrated, incapable of shifting any entrenched position that you have once adopted; which always redounds to the detriment of such decent points or arguments that you might have.

I agree with you that all religions are restrictive and malign in influence. But then to go on as you do & adopt the anti-Hegelian stance that all of them are equally so, & no distinction can be made between them on that score, is just bloody silly. Stop switching off your brain whenever the topic of religion comes up, for heavens sake. You are making a thorough idiot of yourself, & you can see that I am not the only one around here to think so.
