The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3564256
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
04-Oct-13 - 11:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
Catholics who do not send their children to school in England run the inevitable consequence of humiliation, harassment even to the extent of ostractition

That just isn't the case Jim, in my experience. ( I assume you meant not send their children to Catholic school - anyone who doesn't send their children to school as such faces all kinds of problems from the law, nothing to do with religion.)

As for Muslims in Catholic schools, our local one has a pretty high proportion of Muslims - in fact some Muslim friends of ours who wante to send their daughters there had to get a note from the Imam confirming that they were Muslims in order to get in.

I don't know what the rules on beards ar, probably the same as Disneyland, no facial hair. A bit daft maybe, but very few boys are able to grow a sensible beard till well after they've left school anyway. The idea that growing a beard is a religious obligation on Muslim boys is rubbish anyway. It's no more so than wearing a kilt is obligatory for Scottish boys.

You missed my point Jim on my last post. The reason I'd see anti-Muslim posts as out of place in a thread about persecution of Muslim minorities isn't because I object to thread drift, but because in that context they would amount to Islamophbia, and I object to that. In a different context discussion and criticism might be fair enough, nothing is above criticism. And I see the same as applying in the case of criticism of other religions, the context is important.