The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3564673
Posted By: MGM·Lion
06-Oct-13 - 09:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
Jim also represents in ♠♠♠ that peculiar left·wing conviction, peculiar in my experience to those of that particular political orientation, that any who do not share their views cannot possibly be motivated by any sort of ethical belief or genuine principle, but must be evil people driven to their views by a combination of selfishness & ill-will. IMO the ill-will ~~ often positive vindictiveness indeed ~~ is much more exemplified in Jim's attitudes and expressions that any posted by others of us of who occupy more moderate, less doctrinaire & agenda-driven, positions. The idea of living and letting live, accepting that some opinions different from one's own might nevertheless be held disinterestedly because genuinely viewed by their holders as correct and true, does not enter the thinking of such as those whom he represents so vehemently. When he meets someone intelligent who will nevertheless not accept all his shibboleths (& remember he has more than once aggressively denounced me for being 'educated'!), his entire security & raison d'être appear threatened.
