The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3564844
Posted By: MGM·Lion
07-Oct-13 - 04:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
Kevin ~~ I take your point re Telegraph- & Mail- reading bloggers &c. But I sense a certain defensiveness in their position, a knowledge that many despise & envy them, seeing them as privileged beyond their merits & deserts; so rather than denouncing those of opposite views as 'evil', they sort of surreptitiously admit, as I see it, to feeling that their opponents might just have something to feel aggrieved about, & attempt to justify themselves to them.

With the left, OTOH, their conviction as I perceive it is that virtue resides exclusively on their side; they are absolutely confident of being the good guys in the white stetsons & their opponents the baddies in the black ones; which is why I find their unvarying truculently self-righteous tone so rebarbative.

Hope I have made my point comprehensible. Agree this a drift, but drifts are nothing new around these parts, eh!
