The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152326   Message #3565334
Posted By: Richard Bridge
09-Oct-13 - 04:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Religion, which is the best one?
Subject: RE: BS: Religion, which is the best one?
Well, I see a lot of argument about the follies of Xtianity - without even getting into the sexism it seems of so many of its cult members, but pretty well bugger all other discussion of other religions.

I tend to disapprove of most organised religions, but might like to learn more about Buddhism, Shinto, or Confucianism, not to mention western paganism (excluding simple Buffyism).

I think I am right that the oldest religion (of those widely followed) in the world is IFA, a Yoruba religion, but what I have found while looking about it is some concentration on its structure, but little of its commandments. It seems difficult to give it much credibility given its apparent ageism and sexism with regard to allegedly evil witches, and its apparent belief in the existence of (but hostility to) allegedly evil sorcerers. One IFA adherent I know asserts that the Xtian trilogy belief is based on a misunderstanding or distortion of IFA.