The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152425   Message #3565501
Posted By: Ron Davies
09-Oct-13 - 04:41 PM
Thread Name: After the Getaway -- 2013
Subject: RE: After the Getaway -- 2013

Very impressive list.    Seems like you were just about everywhere.

Just a few additions:

On Saturday right after the concert several more were done a cappella in   group that just materialized outside the retreat center door   Group included Ferrara, Rose, Colin, and me--and others I can't recall.   Stunning highlight for me:   Colin's leading of "Steady, boys, walk on/    The horse's day is done..."   Don't know what it's called.   But I've lpved it for years, heard it done wonderfully at Sidmouth more than once.   And, as I told him, Colin's rendition was wonderfully faithful to those at Sidmouth--and could hold its own with any I've heard there.

Also at that session, Mingulay Boat Song was done. Tenting Tonight. And some others I can't recall.

And at the concert Saturday, Jan and I did one we call "The Box", done by Wanda Jackson (sometimes called the 'female Elvis' for her frenetic style.).    But our song was not very bouncy.

To be continued, I think----this computer is now under assault by an 11-month old and my break is now over.