The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3565633
Posted By: Jim Carroll
10-Oct-13 - 07:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
"You are wasting your breath Jim,"
Been aware of that fact for along time Don
It's just occasionally worth the effort of watching him dig himself deeper into is hole.
What've we got
Persecution of women via church inspired and imposed laws on British soil - not interested so no comment
Clerical abuse protected and prolonged by the leading Christian church - not interested so no comment
Christian mind games to condition children from birth - not interested, so no comment
And so ad infinitum.
Persecution of Christians, especially by those nasty A-rabs - different ball game altogether
This is getting to be too much like cruelty to dumb animals - blood-sport for my taste off for some clean, fresh air
Jim Carroll