The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63754   Message #3565751
Posted By: Claire M
10-Oct-13 - 02:33 PM
Thread Name: Brits 21 Favourite Books -- Yours?
Subject: RE: Brits 21 Favourite Books -- Yours?

Nothing wrong w/ being exclusively into fantasy – I mostly am --, but our tastes do – & will -- change. I had cds when young that I never want nor need to hear again due to them being played so much, or perhaps they just weren't that good in the 1st place, but I just *thought* they were ??

I suppose it's the same w/ books. I tend to borrow books off friends w/ similar tastes, only buying if/when I've no other way to get them; I'll never re-read them so don't see any point paying.

I love [i]Wintersmith,[/i] love it. TP & I seem to have same fav band, & you can just tell songs inspire him. Even knew another folkie who was a dead ringer for him; when I told said man his response was that he didn't like fantasy stuff @ all. I was a bit disappointed.

Ook ??