The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3565774
Posted By: Jim Carroll
10-Oct-13 - 03:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
"worldwide, Christians are at present the most persecuted identifiable demographic.
If you mean are they the most obvious - of course they are, nobody has denied that.
On the contrary, I have taken some time to draw Keith (and your) attentions to just how persecuted Christians actually are - mainly by their own churches - Keith continues to deny this, now blaming the medical staff for the death of a young woman because of religious imposed laws - dare I ask how you feel about that?.
I don't believe that the persecution by Muslim extremist regimes (not Muslims) could hold a candle to that meted out wholesale and long-term to their own faithful, using that very faith as a means of persecution - but as you say, Christians are the most visibly numerous victims at the hands of Islamic fanatics at the present time.
I wouldn't know how to count heads to come up with a total for how many Muslims are being persecuted for not being Jewish, or how many former Yugoslavians suffered and died for not being Christian
Nor could I begin to guess how many people of all denominations are suffering persecution and death by regimes or even national powers with the full support of Churches - mainly Christian, to protect western oil interests, or those of logging firms or multinationals like Shell or Esso or Barclays Bank (all high level investors in terrorist states ruled by murderous despots).
All persecution, either by, in the name of, or with the support of any religion is downright evil and is, as far as I can see, condemned unconditionally by all here but Keith, who only wants to talk about the persecution of Christians by Muslims and so far has denied it happening to anybody else, totally absolving all Christian churches of any form of persecution..
I ask again, how do you feel about his stance on the church bearing no blame for laws in Christian countries, or his denials on their role in condemning women to death, (another name added (posthumously) to the list in Ireland tonight) or influencing governments in any way?
I wonder how you feel about suggestion that if we don't like the way a country is run we should move out (including, by his silence, the late Mrs Hallapanavar)?
I wonder if you feel like asking him why this doesn't apply to Christians being persecuted in Muslim countries?
Keith is an abomination who has put a great deal of time (though almost no effort) in defending atrocities throughout the world - so far with your support, usually by your silence with occasional gestured of defence.
I will be surprised to receive a clear answer to any of these - feel free to surprise me.
Jim Carroll