The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152069   Message #3567435
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
16-Oct-13 - 09:59 AM
Thread Name: Autumn Leaves Decluttered Spaces 2013
Subject: RE: Autumn Leaves Decluttered Spaces 2013
Cold this morning! Relatively, at any rate. Not as cold as Montana, but we have finally shifted into full autumn weather. Pulling sweaters out of the closet. Starting with dark clothes for a funeral this afternoon (I received a note about it last night - I wasn't sure if I'd be going because it seems to be a private ceremony, but a few of us in the library received the invitation and I'll be sure to go.)

I have more cotton bedding to put out in the garage for the dogs, and this weekend I'll do some work on the stall (I need to make it a bit wider to accommodate another dog house). It won't be cold in there for a while yet - they came into the house to eat this morning right out of their beds - all three were warm and smelled like sleeping dogs. If you own dogs you know they have their own sleepy smell, just like sleeping children, etc.

Much to do today.