The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3568010
Posted By: GUEST,Musket
18-Oct-13 - 08:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
I'm saying whatever you twist my words into saying I am saying.

As ever.

My criticism is your agenda.

Michael. My wit is indeed 1/2 that of your own. Methinks in the opposite direction to your claim though. This thread is about Christian persecution. My fascination is with the agenda behind the use of the word Christian. There is oppression and persecution out there, lots of it. It is based on blaming a minority for all the ills. Bringing the specific word Christian into it is obscene.

In Pakistan you can be persecuted for your beliefs. Not by Pakistan though, but by criminals and rogue courts under a weak ineffectual government. Christians suffer from it, Shia Muslims suffer from it, Buddhists suffer from it yadda yadda.

This whole thread is based on a doubtful claim by a Vatican body that 100 million Christians are being persecuted. Even if the figures on persecution were true, the absence of acknowledging persecution based on any belief is disgusting.

Mind you, a Christian think tank reported today that one in four adults in The UK believe in angels. Perhaps it is asking too much to ask those angels to smite heathens who don't believe in the little baby Jesus? If Christians get the shitty end of the stick as opposed to any other minority in an unstable country, it makes you wonder why people waste so much time praying?

Wouldn't it be funny if we didn't have labels to allow us to hate each other? A good start will be the demise of religion in advanced countries and wait for the eventual knock on effect. Might take longer than our lifetime but the age of superstition is dying, slowly and with rearguard action, but dying. Poland, Russia, good Christian countries, Uganda, solid Christian country, Dumbfuckistan, part of The USA.. Try being openly gay and see how tolerant people are in the name of your bloody Christianity.

Hold that wonderful thought.