The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3568281
Posted By: bobad
19-Oct-13 - 10:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
4/14/2010         USA         Marquette Park, IL         5         2         After quarrelling with his wife over Islamic dress, a Muslim convert shoots his family members to 'take them back to Allah' and out of the 'world of sinners'.
4/13/2010         Philippines         Isabela         9         7         Abu Sayyaf terrorists disguised as policemen attack a Christian town, shooting and blasting nine people to death and destroying a Catholic church.
4/13/2010         Pakistan         Sargodha         0         1         A Christian barber is badly beaten and sodomized by an angry mob for cutting a Muslim's beard (on request).
4/8/2010         Nigeria         Dakyo         2         0         A teenager is among two Christians stabbed to death by Muslim attackers.
4/5/2010         Nigeria         Jos         3         12         Three Christians are killed when their peaceful rally is attacked by militant Muslims.
4/4/2010         Pakistan         Punjab         0         10         Ten Christians are severely beaten by Muslim fundamentalists.
3/28/2010         Iraq         Mosul         1         3         A 3-year-old child dies when Mujahideen bombers target a Christian woman and her three daughters in their home.
3/23/2010         Somalia         Afgoye         1         0         Islamists execute a Christian father of ten children at close range in front of his home.
3/22/2010         Pakistan         Rawalpindi         1         1         A Christian dies after being burned alive three days earlier for refusing to embrace Islam. His wife was also raped.
3/17/2010         Nigeria         Dyie         13         6         Thirteen more Christian villagers are massacred by Muslim raiders in an overnight attack, including a mother and two children burned to death. Victims also had their tongues cut out.
3/17/2010         Iraq         Mosul         1         0         A 55-year-old Christian father is shot down in cold blood.
3/15/2010         Somalia         Mahaday         1         0         The Christian pastor of an underground church is hunted down like an animal by Islamists and shot to death. (He was not a convert to Islam).
3/12/2010         Egypt         Marsa Matruh         0         23         Twenty-three Christians are injured when a Muslim mob attacks their community after rumors of a church construction.
3/10/2010         Pakistan         Oghi         6         0         Six aid workers of a Christian charity are herded out of their office by Muslim gunmen and machine-gunned to death.
3/9/2010         Pakistan         Punjab         1         0         A 36-year-old Christian is hacked to death with an ax after refusing to embrace Islam.
3/7/2010         Nigeria         Dogo Nahauwa         528         600         Over five-hundred Christians, mostly women and children, are hacked to death by Muslim raiders with machetes in a night-time attack on their village. The killers yelled 'Allah Akbar,' as they chopped.
3/7/2010         Pakistan         Lahore         1         0         A Christian man dies during a home invasion by Muslim gunmen.
2/27/2010         Philippines         Tubigan         15         13         Women and five children (ages 1 to 11) are among thirteen gunned down by Moro Islamists sweeping through a Christian village.
2/27/2010         Egypt         Teleda         0         2         A pastor and his wife are brutally gunned down by Religion of Peace advocate, angry that they are trying to build a church.
2/26/2010         Liberia         Voinjama         4         23         A Muslim mob burns churches and kills at least four Christians.
2/26/2010         Pakistan         Lahore         0         3         A Christian family is terrorized in their home by a Muslim gang. One girl is raped and the other stabbed four times.
2/23/2010         Iraq         Mosul         3         0         A Christian father and his two sons are murdered in their home. They were relatives of a priest.
2/20/2010         Iraq         Mosul         1         0         A 57-year-old Christian shopkeeper is kidnapped and brutally shot to death by Muslim kidnappers.
2/20/2010         Bangladesh         Baghaichhari         8         200         At least eight people are killed when Muslim villagers riot against Christian and Buddhist neighbors.
2/17/2010         Iraq         Mosul         1         0         Another young Christian is shot to death by Muslim extremists.
2/15/2010         Iraq         Mosul         1         0         A 42-year-old Christian is shot to death in front of his store.
2/15/2010         Iraq         Mosul         1         0         A 20-year-old Christian student is kidnapped and brutally murdered by Mujahideen.
2/14/2010         Iraq         Mosul         1         1         Islamists enter a Christian businessman's home and murder him.
2/9/2010         Egypt         Menoufia         1         0         A young Christian carpenter is gunned down at close range by a Muslim policeman in a suspected sectarian attack.
2/8/2010         Pakistan         Punjab         0         1         A Christian man is beaten unconscious for refusing to embrace Islam.
2/5/2010         Pakistan         Karachi         33         80         A Christian family and dozens of Shiites are blown to bits by Sunni bombers at two locations, one a hospital.
1/26/2010         Iraq         Mosul         0         1         A Christian shopkeeper is targeted by Muslim gunmen and seriously injured.
1/22/2010         Bangladesh         Netrokona         0         2         A Catholic humanitarian worker and his wife are attacked by a gang of Muslims.
1/22/2010         Pakistan         Lahore         1         0         A 12-year-old Christian girl is raped, tortured and killed by her Muslim employer, a respected lawyer.
1/19/2010         Somalia         Mogadishu         19         30         Women and children are among nineteen killed when Islamists launch multiple assaults on 'apostates and Christian backers.'
1/18/2010         Iraq         Mosul         1         0         Islamic terrorists gun down a Christian man inside a grocery.
1/17/2010         Nigeria         Jos         48         96         Muslim youth go on a rampage, hacking about 48 Christians to death after an attack outside a church. The victims include two pastors.
1/17/2010         Iraq         Mosul         2         0         At least one of two men gunned down in a targeted shooting is a Christian father of two.
1/15/2010         Kenya         Nairobi         1         5         A Muslim gunmen fires into a crowd, killing one Christian and injuring five.
1/12/2010         Iraq         Mosul         1         0         A 75-year-old Christian is gunned down in his grocery story by Religion of Peace militants.
1/11/2010         Iraq         Mosul         1         0         A 51-year-old Christian man is brutally gunned down while selling vegetables by the side of the road.
1/7/2010         Egypt         Nag Hamadi         7         10         Six worshippers and one guard are gunned down by Muslim radicals as they leave mass at a Christian church. A 14-year-old is among the dead.
1/1/2010         Somalia         Hodan         1         0         Islamists murder a 41-year-old Christian convert and church leader.
12/26/2009         Pakistan         Punjab         0         2         Two young Christians are shot in the chest after refusing to convert to Islam.
12/25/2009         Pakistan         Kalar Kahar         0         60         About sixty Christians are injured when a Muslim mob attacks them during Christmas prayers.
12/24/2009         Pakistan         Peshawar         4         24         A suicide bomber detonates near a Christian school, killing four others.
12/24/2009         Iraq         Mosul         1         0         A Christian is gunned down in front of his home by Islamists.
12/23/2009         Iraq         Mosul         2         0         A bomb placed near an ancient Christian church kills two people.
12/17/2009         Iraq         Mosul         1         0         A 30-year-old Christian man is shot to death in cold blood by Mujahideen.
12/15/2009         Iraq         Mosul         4         40         Four Christians are killed when Islamic bombers target a church and Christian school.
12/9/2009         Iraq         Mosul         2         0         Two Christian brothers are kidnapped and shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
12/3/2009         Pakistan         Karol         1         0         A Christian man is shot to death by Muslims after refusing to 'embrace' Islam.
11/19/2009         Russia         Moscow         1         1         An anti-Islam priest is assassinated in his own church by a suspected Muslim gunman.
11/14/2009         Iraq         Mosul         1         0         A 16-year-old Christian boy is gunned down outside his home by suspected radicals.
11/14/2009         Somalia         Mogadishu         1         0         A 23-year-old Christian convert is kidnapped by Islamists and executed with two shots to the head.
11/9/2009         Philippines         Jolo         1         0         Abu Sayyaf militants cut the head off of a Christian school principal and leave it in a paper bag at a gas station.
10/19/2009         Somalia         Galkayo         1         0         A Christian woman is murdered by Islamists inside her home for refusing to wear a veil.
10/18/2009         Egypt         Attaleen         1         0         Muslims gun down a 61-year-old Christian whose son was dating a Muslim girl.
10/10/2009         Somalia         Mogadishu         1         0         A Christian pastor is shot to death by al-Shabaab militants as he is returning home.
10/5/2009         Iraq         Kirkuk         1         0         The tortured body of a Christian businessman is discovered three days after being kidnapped by Muslims.
10/4/2009         Iraq         Kirkuk         1         0         A 55-year-old Christian nurse is kidnapped and tortured to death by Religion of Peace militants.
9/28/2009         Somalia         Marerey         1         0         A 46-year-old Christian woman is shot to death by Islamists after being found with Bibles.
9/16/2009         Egypt         Bagur         1         2         A 63-year-old Christian is stabbed to death by a rampaging Muslim.
9/15/2009         Somalia         Merca         1         0         A 69-year-old Christian is executed by al-Shabaab militants after they find him carrying Bibles through their checkpoint.
9/14/2009         Pakistan         Sialkot         1         0         A young Christian is beaten to death after being arrested for blasphemy.
9/13/2009         Bangladesh         Dhaka         1         0         A Christian evangelist dies from injuries suffered from severe torture at the hands of a Muslim gang.
9/12/2009         Bangladesh         Dhaka         1         0         A group of Muslims brutally torture and murder a young Christian student.
9/11/2009         Ethiopia         Senbete         0         3         A Muslim mob ransacks two Christian churches and seriously injures three Christian worshippers.
8/29/2009         Sudan         Wernyol         43         62         An Islamic-backed militia targets Christian villagers, hacking or shooting at least 43 to death including a senior church leader.
8/28/2009         Pakistan         Quetta         6         7         Six Christians are gunned down after refusing a 'convert or die' offer from Islamists.
8/19/2009         Iraq         Kirkuk         0         0         Islamic militants kidnap and murder a Christian doctor.
8/18/2009         Somalia         Bulahawa         1         0         A 41-year-old Christian is hunted down and shot to death for leaving Islam.
8/15/2009         Egypt         Cairo         1         0         A 22-year-old Christian conscript is murdered in his barracks after suffering horrible abuse over his religion.
8/3/2009         Pakistan         Gorja         1         0         A Christian man succumbs to injuries suffered by a Muslim mob attack.
8/1/2009         Pakistan         Gojra         8         18         Eight Christians are burned alive by a mob angered over a rumor of Qur'an desecration.
7/30/2009         Pakistan         Gojra City         7         19         Seven people, including women and children (the youngest of whom was 4), are burned alive when a Muslim mob rampages through a Christian community over rumors of a Qur'an desecration.
7/28/2009         Nigeria         Maiduguri         3         0         Three Christian pastors are kidnapped by Boko Harem Islamists and then beheaded after they refuse to accept Islam.
7/28/2009         Nigeria         Maiduguri         1         0         Islamists pull a Christian man from his home and slit his throat.
7/27/2009         Nigeria         Maiduguri         1         0         A Christian pastor and father of seven is hacked to death by radical Muslims, who then burn down his church.
7/27/2009         Somalia         Merca         4         0         Four Christian orphanage workers are beheaded by Islamists after declining the offer to return to Islam.
7/26/2009         Iraq         Ninewa         1         0         A Christian worker is murdered at a Pepsi plant by Islamic gunmen.
7/23/2009         Eritrea         Mitire         1         0         A 43-year-old man dies from torture after refusing to renounce his Christian faith.
7/20/2009         Turkey         Istanbul         1         0         A Christian is stabbed shortly after leaving a church by a Muslim who said he just 'wanted to kill a Christian.'
7/20/2009         Somalia         Mahadday Weyne         1         0         A father of two is shot to death by Muslims for leaving Islam and becoming a Christian.
7/12/2009         Iraq         Kirkuk         1         0         A Christian man is pulled from his car and murdered in front of his daughter.
7/12/2009         Iraq         Baghdad         4         33         Four people are killed when Islamists place bombs at four Christian churches.
7/10/2009         Somalia         Baidoa         7         0         al-Shabaab Islamists stage the public beheading of seven people for "being Christian."
7/7/2009         Pakistan         Lahore         0         1         A Christian man is crippled by a Muslim, who shoots him eight times in the legs for refusing to pay Jizya.
7/7/2009         Philippines         Jolo         2         27         Abu Sayyaf militants detonate a bomb outside a second Christian church, killing two innocents.
7/5/2009         Philippines         Cotabato         6         44         A Religion of Peace nail bomb outside a Christian church leaves at least six innocents dead.
7/3/2009         Ethiopia         Dessie         2         0         Two Christians are shot to death by Muslim gunmen while working on a church.
7/1/2009         Pakistan         Faisalabad         0         1         A young Christian is brutally tortured by a Muslim mob on charges of desecrating a Qur'an.
7/1/2009         Pakistan         Lahore         0         15         Fifteen Christian women and children are burned when a Muslim mob throws acid on them.
7/1/2009         Pakistan         Ghaziabad         1         0         A 16-year-old Christian boy is tortured to death in a police station.
6/22/2009         Philippines         Maguindanao         1         4         Moro Islamists storm a village and shoot a 15-year-old Christian boy dead.
6/21/2009         Egypt         El-Fashn         0         22         A Muslim mob assaults a Christian church, smashing and slashing until at least twenty-two worshippers lay injured.
6/19/2009         Pakistan         Ittanwali         0         3         A Christian woman's family is beaten, including two young children, after she refuses to embrace Islam.
6/18/2009         Iraq         Mosul         1         0         A Christian is gunned down by Muslim gunmen in the process of kidnapping another Christian.
6/15/2009         Yemen         Sanaa         9         0         Women and children are among nine foreign missionaries kidnapped and executed by Shiite fundamentalists.
6/13/2009         Pakistan         Bahawalpur         0         10         Ten Christians are injured by a Muslim package bomb.
6/8/2009         Bangladesh         Boalia         0         3         Three Christians, including a pastor, are pulled from their church and tortured for their faith with burning cigarettes and wooden clubs.
6/8/2009         Pakistan         Tiasar         1         0         An 11-year-old boy is shot in the head when the Taliban attack his church.
5/18/2009         Philippines         Basilan         1         0         The beheaded body of a 61-year-old Christian farmer is found following his abduction by Islamic militants.
5/15/2009         Pakistan         Punjab         1         0         A Christian man is raped and murdered for refusing to convert to Islam.
5/15/2009         Iraq         Mosul         1         0         A Christian is kidnapped and beheaded.
5/11/2009         Iraq         Mosul         1         0         Muslim kidnappers murder a 5-year-old Christian boy.
5/9/2009         Pakistan         Machharkay         1         0         A Christian man is beaten to death with pipes by Muslims angry that he drank tea at a 'Muslim-only' establishment.
4/26/2009         Iraq         Kirkuk         2         0         Islamists slit the throats of a Christian woman and her daughter-in-law.
4/26/2009         Iraq         Kirkuk         1         2         A Christian man is gunned down by Mujahid.
4/25/2009         Iraq         Tal Keef         1         0         A Christian woman is abducted and beheaded by Islamic radicals.
4/21/2009         Pakistan         Taseer         3         0         A mob of Islamic hardliners invade a Christian neighborhood and terrorize the residents. Two Christians are killed as they attempt to defend women from rape. An 11-year-old boy dies a few days later.
4/19/2009         Iraq         Baghdad         3         0         Three Christian jewelers are brutally murdered in their shop by Muslim gunmen.
4/13/2009         Philippines         Basilan         1         0         Abu Sayyaf terrorists behead a kidnapped Christian.
4/10/2009         Philippines         Basilan         1         8         Muslim terrorists attack a Christian village, killing one and kidnapping several young children.
4/4/2009         Iraq         Mosul         1         0         A Christian repairman is shot to death by Muslim gunmen in front of his workshop.
4/3/2009         Philippines         Basilan         2         8         A woman is among two people killed when Islamic militants bomb a fast food shop near a Catholic cathedral.
4/2/2009         Iraq         Baghdad         2         0         Two older Christian sisters are murdered by Mujahideen gunmen.
4/1/2009         Iraq         Mashtal         1         0         A Christian man is gunned down in front of his restaurant by Islamic terrorists.
3/31/2009         Iraq         Kirkuk         1         0         A 71-year-old Christian man is killed in his own home by Muslim intruders.
3/31/2009         Iraq         Kirkuk         1         0         An elderly Christian is gunned down by Muslim radicals.
3/15/2009         UK         London         0         1         A Christian minister critical of Islam is brutally beaten by local Muslims.
3/5/2009         Egypt         Qalubiya         2         0         Muslims set a young Christian on fire and also stab his 60-year-old father to death.
3/2/2009         Pakistan         Songo         1         28         Muslim radicals open fire on a Presbyterian church, then enter the building and beat a 45 woman to death.
2/21/2009         Nigeria         Bauchi         11         38         A Muslim mob goes on a rampage, burning churches and killing Christians.
2/21/2009         Somalia         Yonday         2         0         Two young Christian boys (ages 11 and 12) are beheaded by Religion of Peace extremists.
2/19/2009         Iraq         Mosul         1         0         A Christian businessman is gunned down in his shop.
2/17/2009         Iraq         Mosul         1         1         A Christian is gunned down by suspected Islamists.
2/9/2009         Afghanistan         Kabul         1         0         An Indian Christian, who worked for a food chain, is reported dead four months after being abducted by Sunni extremists.
2/8/2009         Afghanistan         Kabul         1         0         The Taliban release a video showing the beheading of a kidnapped Polish Christian who declined the offer to save his life by converting to Islam.
2/1/2009         Pakistan         Shajwal Chak         1         0         A Christian man begging for wages owed is murdered by Muslim employers as they deride his faith.
1/16/2009         Iraq         Mosul         1         0         The local Christian owner of a car repair shop is brutally murdered by Islamic terrorists.
1/16/2009         Eritrea         Mitire         1         0         A 42-year-old man dies after being tortured iin prison for his Christian faith.
1/10/2009         Pakistan         Chak         0         1         Six Muslim men gang-rape a 14-year-old girl in front of her parents because they are Christian.
1/5/2009         Eritrea         Mitire         1         0         A 37-year-old man dies from torture after refusing to recant his Christian faith.
12/30/2008         Egypt         Cairo         0         1         A woman who embraced Christianity is arrested, raped and tortuted by police, who promise to release her if she will return to Islam.
12/30/2008         Philippines         Esperanza         1         0         A 17-year-old Christian taxi driver is killed by a bomb planted by Muslim radicals.
12/18/2008         Philippines         Iligan         3         47         Islamists detonate nail-packed bombs at two shopping malls in Christian areas, killing at least three people.
11/28/2008         Nigeria         Jos         2         0         Two Christians are macheted to death after a cleric inspires his followers to 'kill unbelievers."
11/28/2008         Nigeria         Jos         6         0         Six Christian pastors are among hundreds killed when Muslim rioter stage a deadly church-burning rampage.
11/12/2008         Iraq         Mosul         2         0         Two Christian sisters are shot to death inside their home by Muslim militants.
10/22/2008         Iraq         Mosul         2         0         Two Christians, a father and son, are shot to death by Islamic radicals.
10/20/2008         Afghanistan         Kabul         1         0         A female aid worker is shot to death by Sunni extremists over fears that she was sharing her Christian faith.
10/14/2008         Philippines         North Cotabato         1         0         Moro Islamists attack a Christian village, killing one civilian and driving many families from their homes.
10/12/2008         Iraq         Mosul         1         1         A Christian business owner is gunned down in his music store by Islamic fundamentalists.
10/11/2008         Philippines         Sultan Kudarat         5         5         Moro Islamists attack a Christian village, killing five innocents and kidnapping two others for use as human shields.
10/11/2008         Iraq         Mosul         3         0         The bodies of three Christians are discovered following their abduction by Islamic radicals.
10/10/2008         Iraq         Mosul         2         0         Two Christians are shot to death by Islamists at a roadblock after being forced to identify themselves.
10/8/2008         Iraq         Mosul         2         0         Two more Christians are murdered by Muslim extremists in separate attacks.
10/7/2008         Iraq         Mosul         2         0         A Christian man and his elderly father are shot to death at their workplace by Religion of Peace radicals.
10/7/2008         Iraq         Mosul         1         0         Islamic extremists enter a Christian pharmacy and kill the owner.
10/6/2008         Iraq         Mosul         1         0         A disabled Christian is abducted from his shop by Islamists and then shot to death.
10/5/2008         Egypt         al-Tayeba         1         3         A 19-year-old Christian is shot to death by a Muslim mob.
10/4/2008         Iraq         Tahrir         1         0         A 15-year-old Christian boy is shot to death by Mujahideen while standing outside his home.
10/4/2008         Iraq         Mosul         4         0         Islamists enter a Christian store and murder the owner. Three tortured and executed kidnap victims are found elsewhere.
9/28/2008         Somalia         Tayeglow         0         2         Two Christians are seriously injured when a Muslim mob invades their church with spears and machetes.
9/23/2008         Somalia         Manyafulka         1         0         A Christian is beheaded for leaving Islam by men who read the Qur'an aloud before decapitating him.
9/20/2008         Ethiopia         Addis Ababa         0         1         A 35-year-old Christian leaders is nearly beaten to death by Religion of Peace advocates.
9/14/2008         Somalia         Afgoye         1         0         A 22-year-old Christian is casually shot to death at a wedding after being accused of apostasy.
9/14/2008         Kenya         Garissa         0         10         A Muslim mob storms a church during a service, pelting worshippers with stones and injuring ten.
9/10/2008         Iraq         Mosul         1         0         A Christian man is shot to death by Muslim fundamentalists.
9/2/2008         Iraq         Mosul         1         0         Islamic fundamentalists abduct and murder a 65-year-old Christian doctor.
8/31/2008         Iraq         Mosul         1         0         A Christian man is kidnapped and murdered by Islamic fundamentalists.
8/30/2008         Angola         Andulo         1         40         A young girl is decapitated by Muslims rampaging through a Christian community on a church-burning spree. (Reported)
8/18/2008         Philippines         Mindanao         49         50         Forty-nine Christian villagers are shot or hacked to death by Moro Islamists rampaging through three towns.
8/13/2008         Saudi Arabia         Riyadh         1         0         A Christian girl has her tongue cut out and is then burned alive by her father for leaving Islam.
8/12/2008         Philippines         Basilan         4         0         At least four Catholic civilians are killed when Moro Islamists strafe their homes with gunfire.
8/10/2008         Saudi Arabia         Riyadh         1         0         A 26-year-old woman has her tongue cut out, then is set on fire by her father (a moral policeman) for converting to Christianity.
7/29/2008         Philippines         Mindanao         4         1         Four Christian passengers are pulled from a bus and murdered by Islamic terrorists.
7/26/2008         Indonesia         Jakarata         0         265         Over two-hundred people are injured when a Muslim mob storms a Christian school.
7/25/2008         Pal. Auth.         Gaza         1         3         A bomb set outside a Christian cafe kills one person.
7/19/2008         Ethiopia         Jijiga         0         2         Two former Muslims who converted to Christianity are attacked by a stone-throwing mob of Muslims.
7/16/2008         Somalia         Anjel         1         0         A Muslim gang murders a Christian man.
7/16/2008         Pakistan         Lahore         1         0         A teenaged Christian boy is kidnapped, tortured for two days, then killed by Muslims for dating a Muslim girl.
7/10/2008         Somalia         Afgyoye         1         0         Islamists with automatic weapons shoot a Christian man to death for not praying toward Mecca.
7/1/2008         Philippines         Aleosan