The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3568283
Posted By: bobad
19-Oct-13 - 10:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
10/5/2004         Iraq         Mosul         1         0         Jihadists kidnap and then behead a 15-year-old Christian boy. They then burn his body.
9/18/2004         Bangladesh         Jamalpur         1         0         A Christian convert from Islam has his throat slashed by Muslim fundamentalists.
9/15/2004         Iraq         Al Dijail         3         0         The headless bodies of three people, two of who were Assyrian Christians, are found in a field with Qur'anic inscriptions carved into them.
9/14/2004         Iraq         Baghdad         2         0         Two Canadian (Arab) Christians are chased by a mob of Muslims and beaten to death.
9/2/2004         Iraq         al-Mayasa         2         0         Islamic terrorists gun down two Christian brothers, known for advocating the rights of minorities.
9/1/2004         Iraq         Baghdad         1         0         A 43-year-old Christian man is killed by Jihadists just after leaving a hospital where he was treated for injuries following an earlier attack.
8/31/2004         Iraq         Bartella         3         0         Three young Christian women are slaughtered by Islamic extremists in a small Iraqi village.
8/26/2004         Iraq         Mosul         1         0         A Christian man is murdered by Muslim terrorists.
8/19/2004         Pakistan         Lahore         1         0         Muslim mob takes 26-year-old Christian from his home then tortures him to death.
8/7/2004         Afghanistan         Awdand         1         0         Islamic radicals murder a 40-year-old 'well-educated' man for converting to Christianity.
8/1/2004         Iraq         Baghdad         11         61         Islamic radicals bomb five Catholic churches, murdering nearly a dozen Christians and injuring close to one-hundred people.
7/28/2004         Afghanistan         Kabul         1         0         A married father is stabbed to death after being discovered associating with other Christians.
7/23/2004         Afghanistan         Kabul         1         0         A Christian is stabbed to death by the Taliban over praying in the name of Jesus.
7/19/2004         Indonesia         Palu         2         3         Islamic gunmen enter a church and kill the female pastor and a 17-year-old girl. Three other teenage worshipers were also shot.
7/19/2004         Iraq         Mosul         1         1         Islamists kill the Christian owner of a restaurant selling food to Americans. They also blind and cut off both hands of his Muslim business partner.
7/18/2004         Indonesia         Palu         1         4         Radical Muslims fire into a church service, killing a female pastor and injuring four Christian worshippers.
7/15/2004         Afghanistan         Kabul         1         0         A Christian is beaten to death for studying the Bible.
7/11/2004         Iraq         Baghdad         2         0         In a particularly senseless attack, Islamic fundamentalists enter the home of a Christian family and stab two girls (ages 16 and 6) to death.
6/30/2004         Afghanistan         Ghazni         1         0         A convert to Christianity (and father of four daughters) is dragged out of his home by the Taliban, who then slit his thoat.
6/23/2004         Iraq         Basra         2         0         As their father waited at home for their return, two Christian sisters are gunned down by Muslim extremists in a particularly heinous and senseless murder.
6/10/2004         Iraq         Baghdad         1         0         A Christian man is attack and murdered by Islamists in his home.
6/9/2004         UK         Brixton         1         0         A 21-year-old man is stabbed to death by Muslim gang members for refusing to convert to Islam.
6/7/2004         Iraq         Baghdad         4         3         Islamic terrorists target Christian workers in a morning shooting attack that leaves four dead and several wounded.
6/7/2004         Iraq         Baghdad         4         0         In the same Christian neighborhood as the morning drive-by, Islamic extremists murder four, including three women returning from work.
6/6/2004         Kosovo         Gracanica         1         0         17-year-old Christian teenager is shot to death in a restaurant by Muslim terrorists.
5/29/2004         Indonesia         Palu         1         0         A Christian prosecutor, working to keep three Bali bombers in jail, is assassinated by Jemaah Islamiah extremists in his car.
5/29/2004         Saudi Arabia         Khobar         22         45         "Are you Christian or Muslim," ask al-Qaeda militants as they shoot twenty-two infidels to death, including a 10-year-old boy, and take over forty-five hostages in an attack on an office complex.
5/28/2004         Pakistan         Lahore         1         0         Pakistani Christian who was attacked with a hammer by a policeman for violating the State's blasphemy laws dies of his injuries. The killer claimed he wanted to "earn a spot in Paradise."
5/28/2004         Sudan         Tabit         20         17         Sudanese warplanes bomb a Christian village, killing at least twenty.
5/28/2004         Nigeria         Langtang         3         0         Assault by armed Muslims leaves three Christians dead and several hundred homeless after their village is burned.
5/27/2004         Uzbekistan         Isfara         1         0         A Baptist pastor gunned down by members of the Islamist group, Bayrat.
5/25/2004         Indonesia         Ambon         1         13         Bomb blast in the Christian sector of the city kills one and injures thirteen. A second bomb is found near a church and defused.
5/21/2004         Nigeria         Saminaka         7         0         In the latest of a series of attacks on Christian villagers, seven more are killed by Nigerian Jihadists as they sought refuge in their homes.
5/21/2004         Nigeria         Jiram         15         0         Fifteen Christian villagers are massacred by Jihadists.
5/19/2004         Nigeria         Sabo Gida         10         0         Ten Christian villagers are killed by armed Muslims. An unknown number are injured by the attackers, who also burned churches and houses.
5/19/2004         Nigeria         Bakin Ciyawa         24         0         Jihadists kill twenty-four Christian villagers.
5/18/2004         Nigeria         Gidan Sabo         18         0         Muslim Nigerians kill eighteen Christian villagers - mostly farmers, women and children.
5/18/2004         Pakistan         Karachi         4         0         Four members of Pakistan's Christian minority are targeted and killed by Islamists. One was a kidnapped youth and two others were on their way to a picnic.
5/16/2004         Iraq         Baghdad         3         1         Muslim radical opens fire on a minibus carrying Christian women, forcing them to the side of the road. He then tosses an explosive in the vehicle, killing three, including the driver.
5/12/2004         Philippines         Jolo         1         14         Abu Sayyaf terrorists kill a fifteen-year-old Catholic girl with a grenade - fourteen others are also injured in the attack.
5/12/2004         Nigeria         Kano         30         44         Muslim rampage against Christians continues in Kano with at least another thirty people losing their lives.
5/11/2004         Nigeria         Kano         11         0         At least eleven Christians are burned to death by a Muslim mob that also sets two churches on fire.
5/7/2004         Pakistan         Toba Tek Singh         1         0         Catholic student abducted by Muslim school refuses to convert to Islam and is tortured to death.
5/5/2004         Egypt         Taha al-Aamida         3         0         Muslim police take three Christians, including a priest, into custody as they are repairing a church wall. All three are then murdered.
5/5/2004         Indonesia         Maluku         2         3         Muslim gunmen in a speedboat kill a Christian man and an 11-month-old baby. Three others are also shot, but manage to survive.
4/25/2004         Indonesia         Ambon         38         24         Islamic radicals go on a rampage against Christians, killing more than thirty (some in sniper attacks) and then setting a UN building on fire.
4/11/2004         Nigeria         Rwang Doka and Jenkur         3         0         Muslim militia attacks two Christian villages and kills three people, in addition to burning homes.
4/11/2004         Indonesia         Sulawesi         0         7         Islamic gunmen open fire on an Easter church service, wounding seven worshippers.
4/10/2004         Indonesia         Poso         0         7         Radical Muslims fire on a group of Christians gathered for Easter service.
4/2/2004         Pakistan         Lahore         1         0         Christian pastor is gunned down by Muslim extremists in front of his wife and four children.
3/30/2004         Indonesia         Tomura         1         1         A Christian pastor is fatally wounded by Muslim gunmen in front of his wife at his church. One other person is also injured in the attack.
3/27/2004         Indonesia         Poso         1         0         A 27-year-old Christian is gunned down by Muslim terrorists. (2004)
3/25/2004         Iraq         Mosul         1         0         Sunni gunmen kill a Christian Assyrian police officer.
3/22/2004         Iraq         Baghdad         2         0         Islamists bind and cut the throats of an Assyrian (Christian) couple in their home. (2004)
3/18/2004         Iraq         Baghdad         4         1         Muslims barge into a Christian home and kill the two children they find there. There mother is also killed, as well as their grandfather.
3/15/2004         Iraq         Mosul         4         1         Four Christian missionaries working on a humanitarian clean water project for Iraqis are gunned down by Fedayeen terrorists while riding in their vehicle.
3/11/2004         Indonesia         Maranatha         1         5         Brutal machete attack on a Christian village leaves a mother of two dead and five others injured.
3/6/2004         Sudan         al-Kureinik         15         0         Government-supported militia group raids a refugee camp and kills fifteen Christian civilians, including a child.
2/25/2004         Nigeria         Yelwa         49         0         Forty-nine members of a farming community are slaughtered by Muslim Fulanis after taking refuge in a local church. Most of the Christians were brutally hacked to death. The number of injured is unknown.
2/19/2004         Philippines         Jolo         1         1         Abu Sayyaf gunmen abduct a 7-year old girl at a Roman Catholic school after killing her driver.
2/15/2004         Iraq         Baghdad         1         4         A Christian pastor is killed, and four others are injured when a vehicle pulls alongside their car and fires into the cabin.
2/9/2004         Iraq         Mosul         2         0         Two Christian family members murdered by radical Jihadists.
1/21/2004         Iraq         Fallujah         4         1         Four Christian Iraqi women, who were laundry workers for the coalition, are attacked and killed while riding in a minivan. The male driver was injured.
1/21/2004         Indonesia         Maranatha         1         0         The 56-year-old head of a local Christian community is killed by Muslim villagers. (2004)
1/15/2004         Pakistan         Karachi         0         12         At least a dozen people are injured when a car bomb explodes outside the local headquarters of the Christian Bible Society.
1/10/2004         Indonesia         Palopo         4         2         Four people are killed, and at least two injured by a bomb blast at a karaoke cafe. Islamist terrorist attacks killed nearly a dozen Christians there in November.
1/5/2004         Egypt         Patmos Center         1         2         One Christian is killed, and two others injured when elements of the Egyptian army burn down a church.
1/5/2004         Pakistan         Khanewal         1         0         Christian priest shot dead by Islamic terrorists as he was boarding a train.
1/4/2004         Philippines         Parang         22         81         Twenty-two people at a political rally for a Christian mayor in a predominately Muslim region are killed by a bomb blast. More than eighty are injured. Two Muslims later identified and charged..
11/16/2003         Indonesia         Sulawesi         1         0         A Christian man is dragged from his motorcycle and beaten to death by a Muslim mob.
11/15/2003         Indonesia         Sulawesi         2         0         A church official and his nephew are shot to death by radical Muslims.
11/4/2003         Iraq         Mosul         2         0         Christian judge is assassinated in shooting attack. This occurs a day after another judge is kidnapped and murdered in Najaf
10/28/2003         Philippines         Cotabato         0         5         Five people are injured when suspected Jemaah Islamiah members bomb a Catholic church.
10/27/2003         Indonesia         Sulawesi         1         0         Christian farmer killed by Jemmah Islamiah terrorists while working his field.
10/12/2003         Iraq         Fallujah         2         0         Two Iraqi Christians murdered by Holy Warriors.
10/11/2003         Indonesia         Sulawesi         8         24         Muslim gunmen attack Christian villagers, killing eight, injuring dozens more and burning at least one church.
10/9/2003         Indonesia         Poso         2         0         Armed Muslims kill at least two Christian villagers and burn homes.
10/5/2003         Somalia         Borama         1         0         60-year old Italian medical missionary, a woman honored by the U.N. for her work with refugees, is shot twice in the head while leaving a hospital.
10/1/2003         Indonesia         Pandiri         1         0         A 44-year-old man murdered for leaving Islam and embracing Christianity.
8/22/2003         Philippines         Barangay Matarling         1         4         Abu Sayyaf gunmen attack the house of a 37-year old Christian woman. They kill her and injure four members of her family.
7/29/2003         Pal. Auth.         West Bank         1         0         Muslim extremists abduct a Christian convert, butcher him and then return his body to his children in pieces.
7/10/2003         Indonesia         Kawua         0         5         A Christian-owned restaurant is bombed. Five people suffer injuries including a child.
7/10/2003         Indonesia         Sulawesi         1         0         Muslims attack and shoot a Christian to death as he was working his farm.
7/5/2003         Pakistan         Ranala Kot         1         0         Catholic priest, who received death threats from fundamentalist Muslims, is shot and killed in his home.
6/8/2003         Nigeria         Numan         1         0         Female Christian pastor stabbed to death by a radical Muslim as she was returning home from work (2003).
6/2/2003         Indonesia         Kapompa         1         1         Muslim attack on a Christian village leaves one dead and at least one other injured.
5/29/2003         Indonesia         Marowo         1         1         Muslim terrorists gun down a man for traveling with his Christian brother-in-law.
5/29/2003         Philippines         Cotabato         5         0         Moro Islamic fighters raid three Christian villages, killing five civilians.
5/22/2003         Sudan         Longochok         59         0         Islamic troops attack a Christian village, burning homes and killing at least fifty-nine villagers. They also take captive several women and children (some of whom are killed later).
5/21/2003         India         Anantnag         1         1         Muslim grenade attack on a Christian convent kills one female teacher and injures another.
5/14/2003         Yemen         Jibla         0         4         Terrorist bomb thrown into a courthouse where al-Qaeda militant was sentenced to death for killing three U.S. missionaries.
5/7/2003         Lebanon         Tripoli         1         0         Bomb left at the front door of a Christian missionary couple explodes, killing one person.
5/4/2003         Philippines         Siocon         27         23         Muslim separatists attack a Christian village, firing on houses and a hospital. At least twenty-seven are killed and about two dozen wounded. Fifteen residents are taken hostage.
4/22/2003         Nigeria         Kano         7         0         Muslims set fire to a house, killing a Christian pastor and six other members of his family, including his wife and three children.
4/4/2003         Indonesia         Wamena         15         0         Indonesian military raids Christian town, burning Bibles and churches, killing two Baptist pastors along with at least thirteen others. Other Christians were tortured.
4/4/2003         Nigeria         Fobur         1         4         Armed Muslims attack a village, kill a woman and burn down the houses of Christians.
3/26/2003         Philippines         M'lang         7         5         Muslims blast Christian village with RPGs, killing seven, including a six-year-old child and injuring five others.
3/25/2003         Philippines         Carmen         2         0         Islamists stop a cargo truck, tie up the Christian driver and his helper then shoot them to death.
3/18/2003         Philippines         Cotabato         0         5         Rebel bomb attack on a Roman Catholic church during mass injures five worshippers.
3/18/2003         Nigeria         Kadarko         22         44         Armed Muslims shouting "we are going to finish off the infidels" attack a Christian village and kill at least 22 villagers. More than forty-four others were injured or missing.
3/7/2003         Philippines         Mindanao         1         2         Two Moro Islamic Liberation Front bomb attacks kill one and injure two at a Catholic school.
3/4/2003         Philippines         Davao         21         150         Muslim rebels plant a bomb at a civilian airport. Twenty-one are killed in the blast and about 150 others are injured. Among the dead is an American missionary and several children.
2/28/2003         Philippines         Bukidnon         1         0         Muslim rebels burn ten homes in a Christian village, killing at least one person.
2/19/2003         Philippines         Tubud         14         8         Muslims attack a Christian village, burning and murdering at least fourteen civilians.
2/11/2003         Israel         Bethlehem         1         0         Palestinian sniper guns down Israeli soldier in front of the Church of the Nativity.
1/26/2003         Lebanon         Beirut         1         3         Car bomb explodes in Christian residential area killing one and injuring three.
1/13/2003         Philippines         Zamboanga         3         0         Muslim gunmen kill three Christians.
12/30/2002         Yemen         Jibla         3         1         Muslim gunman posing as a father carrying a child kills three American humanitarian workers at a missionary hospital and wounds one other.
12/25/2002         Pakistan         Daska         3         14         Christmas grenade attack on a Christian church kills three girls and injures fourteen young women.
12/12/2002         Nigeria         Rim         13         0         Muslim nomads attack a Christian village and kill thirteen people including a clergyman and his family.
11/22/2002         Nigeria         Kaduna         216         521         A Muslim mob, angered by an insult to Muhammad, burns 58 Christian churches and rampages through the streets stabbing, bludgeoning and burning over two hundred people to death.
11/21/2002         Lebanon         Sidon         1         0         Female missionary shot three times in the head by Muslim radicals.
10/31/2002         Nigeria         Zaria         20         51         Muslims go on a rampage against Christian students at a local college, killing twenty and injuring over fifty.
10/24/2002         Nigeria         Fajul         40         48         At least forty Christians are killed by a Muslim mob of several thousand, who also rape women and burn churches.
10/20/2002         Philippines         Zamboanga         1         18         A Roman Catholic shrine is bombed by Muslim terrorists. One killed, eighteen injured.
9/25/2002         Pakistan         Karachi         7         3         Seven persons are killed and three others injured in a terrorist attack on a Christian welfare organization's office - the Idara Amn-O-Insaaf (Institute for Peace and Justice). The victims were blind-folded, tied to chairs and shot in the head.
9/21/2002         Indonesia         Kelang         2         2         Two Christians are killed and two wounded by Muslim gunmen.
9/8/2002         Indonesia         Galunggung         1         0         A Christian is beaten, then burned to death by a Muslim mob.
8/15/2002         Iraq         Baghdad         1         0         A 71-year-old nun is savagely attacked and stabbed to death in a monastery by Islamic extremists, who then behead her.
8/15/2002         Indonesia         Manyomba         1         3         Fifty militants attack two Christian villages. They shoot three people and strangle a 3-year-old child to death.
8/11/2002         Indonesia         Kayamanya         5         0         A Muslim mob attacks a bus and one other vehicle, killing five Christians, including one who was burned.
8/10/2002         Philippines         Unknown         2         4         Abu Sayyaf kidnap six missionaries. Two are subsequently beheaded.
8/9/2002         Indonesia         Malei         2         0         Jihad warriors attack two Christian villages and kill two people.
8/5/2002         Pakistan         Jhika Gali, Murree         6         4         Six persons killed and four others injured in terrorist attack on Christian missionary school.
8/4/2002         Indonesia         Matako         0         8         A Muslim mob screaming praises to Allah sweeps through a Christian village, burning homes and churches, and shooting residents.
7/22/2002         Indonesia         Mayoa         0         3         Three Christian farmers survive a brutal shooting attack by Jihad warriors.
7/12/2002         Indonesia         Kawua         1         4         Islamic bombers nearly crash a bus carrying Christians. Only one passenger is killed by the explosion.
7/7/2002         Philippines         Unknown         2         1         Kidnapped American missionary and Philippine nurse are killed during rescue attempt.
7/7/2002         Indonesia         Wayura         1         0         A Christian fisherman is shot in the head by suspected Islamists.
7/3/2002         Indonesia         Landangan         1         0         Muslim gunmen murder a Christian man.
6/27/2002         Pakistan         Kachi Abadi         1         2         15-year old Christian tortured to death by police for blasphemy. In the same country a 17-year old Christian girl was blinded from having acid thrown in her face and another girl was raped (occurring on different days).
6/15/2002         Pakistan         Faisalabad         0         1         A 16-year-old Christian girl is doused with acid for refusing to convert to Islam.
6/9/2002         Indonesia         Kayamanya         1         0         An older Christian man is beheaded by a Muslim.
6/6/2002         Nigeria         Katsina         1         0         A Muslim mob clubs a Christian police officer to death after a cleric makes false charges that he trampled a Qur'an.
6/5/2002         India         Bangalore         2         0         A Christian man and his Muslim wife are captured and hacked to death by her family for marrying outside Islam. Their one-year-old baby is spared.
6/5/2002         Indonesia         Tentena         4         17         A bomb planted by Muslim radicals explodes on a church bus killing four, including the pastor, and wounding seventeen.
5/25/2002         Indonesia         Saparua         5         11         A Muslim boat attack kills five Christians and wounds eleven others.
5/16/2002         Indonesia         Tamonjeka         2         0         Two Christian men are killed by suspected Muslim radicals.
4/28/2002         Indonesia         Soya         12         6         Muslims attack a Christian village with knives and guns. They are able to slaughter twelve people and hurt six more.
4/4/2002         Indonesia         Ambon         5         57         An Islamist throws a bomb into a Christian center, killing five and injuring fifty-seven other innocents.
3/17/2002         Pakistan         Islamabad         5         45         Grenade attack on a Christian church kills five worshippers including American woman and her 17-year-old daughter. Forty-five others were injured.
3/7/2002         Nigeria         Enugu         12         0         Muslim gunmen storm a Christian prayer meeting attempting to kill the leader. Twelve are killed, an unknown number injured.
2/27/2002         Nigeria         Ilorin         3         0         Eid-el-Kabir celebrants kill three Christians.
2/24/2002         Nigeria         Gombi         1         0         A young Christian woman is kidnapped by four Muslim men, who slit her throat and leave her to die.
1/16/2002         Indonesia         Malei         1         0         A Christian man is gunned down by angry Muslims while collecting fruit.
1/1/2002         Indonesia         Palu         1         0         Four bombs explode at Christian churches and one man dies in a hand grenade attack in Jakarta.
12/30/2001         Nigeria         Vwang         5         0         Armed Muslims attack Christian community, kill five and destroy much of the town.
12/19/2001         Indonesia         Kapaha         9         1         Nine Christians aboard a boat are killed by Jihad attackers.
12/7/2001         Indonesia         Ewiri         2         3         Jihadists attack a Christian village, killing two and wounding three.
12/2/2001         Indonesia         Sepe         6         0         Six Christians are murdered by a Muslim mob while fleeing their homes.
11/13/2001         Indonesia         Ambon         2         5         A Muslim attack kills two Christians and injures five more.
11/1/2001         Indonesia         Palu         4         0         Four Christians murdered by Jihad terrorists at an illegal roadblock.
11/1/2001         Indonesia         Tomata         3         12         Jihad warriors attack Christian village and kill three.
11/1/2001         Indonesia         Waimulang         5         2         Jihad warriors attack Christian village, killing five and wounding at least two.
10/28/2001         Pakistan         Bahawalpur         18         9         A policeman and seventeen Christians, including five children, are killed and nine others injured when six gunmen opened fire on a church.
10/21/2001         Indonesia         Toyado         1         0         A Christian is pulled from a car and hacked to death by Jihad warriors.
10/20/2001         Indonesia         Betalemba         2         0         At least two killed in a Muslim attack on Christian village.
10/16/2001         Indonesia         Madale         1         1         A Muslim mob burns down a Christian refugee barracks, killing one and seriously injuring another.
10/15/2001         Nigeria         Kano         32         51         Scores of Christians are murdered by Muslim mobs. Dozens of others are injured and at least five churches are burned down.
10/3/2001         Indonesia         Peleru         10         0         Jihad warriors kill 10 Christian villagers and injure an unknown number.
10/1/2001         Indonesia         Tomata         3         0         Terrorists attack a Christian church, killing three women.