The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3568304
Posted By: GUEST,Musket
19-Oct-13 - 12:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
Looking at that list of awful atrocity. Attacked by Muslims! So its Christian versus Muslim is it? Can someone go through the list and make sure that where the perpetrators were identified as Muslim that they actually were and that the reason the attack took place was because they are Muslim?

Name calling Keith? Not in your league. Which judging by your previous shockingly disgusting post must be English Defence League.

I take no pride in being proved right. I said this thread has a hate agenda. Keith and bobad prove my point.

What has an arbitrary list got to do with anything? Other than make a case for Christian persecution being somehow a worse crime than persecution of non Christians. If that is the case, shame on you. It makes no difference here. Less people are taken in by superstition and the more ethnic violence elsewhere is conveniently reported on religious factions, the less rational people are going to be interested in singing from any hymn sheet.

So. Again.. What point are you trying to make?

I repeat. Christians form large minorities in unstable countries so are targeted. Not because of Jesus but because of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. In case you hadn't noticed, in some places religion is taken seriously and the west is portrayed as being Christian. Christian smart bombs from Christian drones. I can say we are secular till I am blue in the face but whilst ever wicked people differentiate between oppression on some "they are similar to us" ticket whilst glossing over all other oppression, their motives will be challenged. Are you saying a Christian life has more value than a Muslim one? We need to wring our hands over Christian oppression but deplore Muslims escaping it and finding sanctuary in the west?

Why did you slip in the bit about Muslims coming over here Keith?

Why the name calling?