The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3568768
Posted By: Jim Carroll
22-Oct-13 - 03:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
"Jim, Alibhai-Brown, Lord Ahmed, and Mohamed Shafiq were the ones I quoted at length (apart from Anne Cryer, Jack Straw and the Pakistani Ch4 journalist)"
None o them made the claim you did that 25000 British citizens were, by way of their culture, potential sexual perverts inclined to commit serious crimes, and you refuse to either give them having done so or linking us to what they said - this is totally your horrific invention.
I find it difficult to understand what you hope to achieve here.
You fill these threads with your hate-filled agenda - you refuse to qualify your claims with information, you ignore what others put up and you ignore requests for you to do so.
You have bent over backwards to remove my and others democratic rights to discuss these topics fully.
And you persistently lie on statements you have made, both on this thread and in the past.
Your friend Bobad fills page after page with 'facts' from an openly declared Islamaphobic hate-site which compares being a Muslim with being a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
He has presented similar 'facts' from similar sources in the past.
Criticising Islam does not make anybody an Islamophobe - distorting information, applying it to all Muslims and using every opportunity to pass on that message most certainly does.
Add to this your refusal to put this in context with all forms of religious persecution and to attempt to deny others the right to do so makes you a dedicated fanatic on par with those producing such sites as Bobad draws his information from - your message is exactly the same.
The historically proven facts are simple.
Religious organisations, given the power to do so will pass on their 'messages' using any method at their disposal: mind bending indoctrination, spiritual blackmail, persecution and even mass murder, genocide and Holy War.      
This is pretty well admitted, and even boasted of by the most fanatical of those organisations.
Christianity is no exception to this practice; it has in the past and continues, where it can to indoctrinate and to persecute in the name of its God.
Its representatives have dismissed past behaviour as being correct and have openly stated that they would do the same again if they felt it necessary.
Calling for sympathy for such an organisation and refusing to put its own behaviour into context of the persecution it is now suffering is not to end that persecution, but to escalate it into Holy War.
They are all capable of it, they have all done it and they would all do it again if we let them
Doesn't get any more difficult than that
Jim Carroll