The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3568842
Posted By: Jim Carroll
22-Oct-13 - 08:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
"Deny that?"
Of course I ******* do - show me one single statement from a responsible person "in a position to know" who links sexual perversion and culture to an entire gender of a population - produce it.
Can I re-iterate a point about my view on racism in Britain   
I have said I encountered passive racism from fellow workers on a regular basis throughout my working life.
Only on two occasions have I ever encountered people who would be prepared to act on that racism; once from a member of the National Front, another from somebody who was about to take part in a firebomb attack on a Travellers site in South London.
Britain as a whole is a hospitable, friendly and tolerant place, occasionally given to outbursts of racism by genuine concerns which are leapt upon by the sewer press and scum like Enoch Powell - not forgetting your good self, of course.
Now - your examples of of "people in the know" and their statements?
Jim Carroll