The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3569141
Posted By: Jim Carroll
23-Oct-13 - 04:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
"I have not supported any website, but am quite certain that every murder and mass murder on that list happened."
A contradiction in terms - surely?
"I'm a bit puzzled why a generalisation about the British having a tendency, rooted in a national culture, to be racist"
Keith is the only one to have ever stated this Mac - I suggest you ask him.
I said I believed there to be a great deal of racism in Britain; I also said I encountered it regularly at work, so much so that I found myself avoiding conversations which might lead to the subject being raised.
It might have been an inheritance of Empire a long time ago, but that is long past and no longer a feature of British life.
A recent survey in Britain found that one third of the people questioned admitted to holding and expressing racist views.
Ironically, the report was published in The Daily Mail - one of the newspapers that regularly do their bit to sow the seeds of racial unrest with their attacks on immigrants and Muslims and linking them with unemployment, housing shortages and terrorism.
Britain has fairly stringent anti-racist laws, if race wasn't an issue this would be somewhat like regularly like spraying the Thames with anti-crocodile powder to drive them away.
Jim Carroll
Religion in Britain