The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152199   Message #3569734
Posted By: Joe Offer
24-Oct-13 - 05:11 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Faith Petric (1915-2013)-Watch the movie!!
Subject: RE: Faith Petric 98 today!
In her report to the San Francisco Folk Music club's discussion forum yesterday, Carole said that this is a time for quiet for Faith, so visitors should check with Carole and find out if it's appropriate to visit. My mother-in-law was born in the same year, 1915, and died this year in June. There is indeed a time and a need for quiet at this point.
I'm glad I've had the chance to know Faith over these last 20 years or so. I don't think she liked me at first, but we got to the point where we enjoyed each other very much. I last saw her January 1, 2012 - the day she broke her hip at San Francisco's Camp New Harmony.
Bless her.

-Joe Offer-