The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152580   Message #3569945
Posted By: Bat Goddess
25-Oct-13 - 08:41 AM
Thread Name: Liverpool Lullaby (Stan Kelly)
Subject: RE: Liverpool Lullaby (Stan Kelly)
I really hate it when singers start "cleaning up" songs that don't need it. I find that much more offensive than any phrase the overly sensitive might find in questionable taste.

I've been singing "Liverpool Lullaby" for years, learned it from the Judy Collins recording back in the late '60s. Anybody else remember the '60s or the '50s? Our mothers often warned us of the spanking we'd get from our fathers. (Actually, mine would give me a whallop herself, no waiting.) My parents were not abusive or violent, but we kids certainly got a smack on the backside to get our attention occasionally -- or the threat of it.

More recently (well, the '70s) I remember a well-educated, financially well off, politically correct suburban mom (wife of a friend of my ex-husband) constantly threatening her kids with, "Stop it or I'll break both your arms!" I DID find that offensive even though I knew she'd never do it. I never said anything, but it just seemed excessive and unnecessary.

Seems to me a rather loving song -- the kid's a chip off the old block, looks like his da' and, even though dad's work-shy and an alcoholic and is causing financial difficulties, if they come into money, she'll buy him a brewery. In other words, she loves them both despite their failings.

I joke that this song (along with "The Shearin's Not For You" and "Do You Love An Apple?") are part of my mythical "Mother's Day Set"...
