The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152580   Message #3569971
Posted By: GUEST,Stan Kelly
25-Oct-13 - 10:17 AM
Thread Name: Liverpool Lullaby (Stan Kelly)
Subject: RE: Liverpool Lullaby (Stan Kelly)
TA for the support over Cilla Black's Politically Correct version of my Lullaby. This was her concluding song on ITV's 50-year Cilla anniversary documentary a few weeks ago. This was the first time I'ld heard the "gerra belt" bowdlerised to "get told off!" Likewise "Littlewoods" became the "Lottery." Her previous renditions, inc. the EMI recording, were splendid, and quite close to my werds, like ("bugger" was watered down to "begger" ... no real harm). I must admit that I can understand why an iTV national prime-time producer might shy away from the "gerra belt" phrase. What annoyed me was the Mail-on-Sunday report that implied that the Lullaby was sortof Trad-arranged-Cilla, who was therefore free to rewrite. I've since learnt that Chris Hastings, the Mail arts columnist, did submit details of our earlier chats & emails, but the Editorial scissors went snipperty-snip. If asked, I cudda come up with something less RIDICULOUS than "yer'll get TOLD OFF by yer Da'" Reminds of my LERN YERSELF SCOUSE (with Shaw & Spiegl) and ECHOES of MERSEYSIDE mock "Berlitz-Scouse" course. "I'll purra fluke's gob on yer" => "I'll chastise you severely.'
PS: nom-de-folk KELLY came from my opening song Kelly the boy from Killanne, whence the alliterative Cambridge Univ. Stan Kelly SKIFFLE Club. For my computer-related beuks, google KELLY-BOOTLE.