The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152580   Message #3569997
Posted By: MGM·Lion
25-Oct-13 - 11:24 AM
Thread Name: Liverpool Lullaby (Stan Kelly)
Subject: RE: Liverpool Lullaby (Stan Kelly)
When was the CU Stan Kelly Skiffle Club, Stan? Where did it meet? Who was in the group? Who played there? Have no recollection of it happening in my time, 1952-55 [year after yours, yes?]. How did I miss it? I first became aware of 'skiffle' as such the year after I went down, at Russ Quaye & Hylda Syms' club, with the Hyam Morris Skiffle group, at the Princess Louise in High Holborn. Nancy Whiskey took it over & renamed it after herself a year or so later, where I once or twice played rhythm guitar & washboard in a guest group called Easy Riders. I first met you after going down IIRC at that club that a piss-artist called Dunnett(?) used to run at a pub in Gt Newport Street, with a mixed national line-up ~~ you were England, Dominic was Ireland, Isabel Sutherland was Scotland, Sandy Paton was USA... Remember that?
