The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152446   Message #3570851
Posted By: Bat Goddess
28-Oct-13 - 04:15 PM
Thread Name: Curmudgeon In Hospice - [November 2013]
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon In Hospital - Oct 2013
I just need time to watch the DVD and figure out exactly (the diagrams in the manual are pretty unclear) how the ampule of med is put into the where on the nebulizer.

The last person just left and, for the first time today, I have some breathing space. I'm going upstairs to under-react before I have to make dinner. (And NOT watch the DVD; sorry, I really need some just plain down time!)

So...Tom now has an emergency button to wear (and we've worked out a signal for accidental pushing -- they're pretty sensitive -- so that if Tom is home alone and the button is accidently depressed if he blows the whistle when they start asking questions -- they can't hear his quiet voice -- they'll know it was an accident; if they hear nothing, it's an emergency) and got everything all plugged in right and all the paperwork done. She was still here and hour and a half later when Tom's physical therapist came. After that I had time enough to make lunch and go out to pick up a prescription and gas up the car before his case manager came out to see what CFI might actually do to help us. And that would be to have an agency come out once a week and run a vacuum over the place, dust, and spiffify the kitchen and bathroom. You. Have. No. Idea. How much that would help me!!!

But there WEREN'T any free spaces in between to schlep some stuff to the cellar or get anything else accomplished today. (Well, I did get some of the books for the library sale into boxes to take to the library tomorrow...and I swept the room where the computer is and the kitchen.)

And now I have a date with a novel and reclining pose (and a cat) for a couple hours before I have to make supper.
