The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3113   Message #3571153
Posted By: Jim Carroll
29-Oct-13 - 02:41 PM
Thread Name: Halloween Songs [1]
Subject: Lyr Add: THE DUNDEE GHOST (Matt McGinn)
And then of course, the great Matt McGinn song

The Dundee Ghost
By Matt McGinn

Noo a deid man seldom walks, he very rarely talks,    (dead)
It's no very often you'll see him running aroond,
But I'm a refugee from a graveyard in Dundee
And I've come tae haunt some houses in Glasgow Toon
And I've come tae haunt some hooses in Glasgow Toon.

Noo the reason I arose was to get masel' some clothes, (myself)
For I really get helluva cold below the ground,
And I whispered tae masel', "ah, I think I might as well
Hang aroond a while and ha'e some fun,
I'll hang around a while and ha'e some fun".

Noo a chap put oot his light on a cold and frosty night,
I showed him one of ma eyes and I skelped his head, (smacked)
He said "Oh", and I said "boo" he says, "who the hell are you" ?
I said, "don't be feart, I'm on'y a man that's deid,   (afraid)
Oh no, don't be feart, I'm only a man that's deid".

Well the feller knelt and prayed and this is what he said;
"Oh why, in the name of God have you picked on me"   ?
So I battered him on the lug and I pulled awa' his rug. (ear)
"The reason", I said "is just tae let you see".
"The reason" , I said, "is just tae let you see".

Well he brought the polis in and I belted him on the chin,   (police(man)
The polis turned aroond and he blamed my friend.
And he marched him aff tae jile and he'll be in there quite a while, (off to gaol)
But I'll see naebody taks his single end,      (House of one apartment, flat)
Oh, no, I'll see naebody taks his single end.

Noo the polis thought him daft and a lot of people laughed
When the feller said a ghost was in his hoose,
But what the feller said was true and I might be visiting you,
So just remember. I'm still on the loose,
Aye, just remember, I'm still on the loose.

Jim Carroll