The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152434   Message #3574172
Posted By: GUEST,Nobody in Particular
09-Nov-13 - 11:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: So who's signed up for Obamacare?
Subject: RE: BS: So who's signed up for Obamacare?
Oh Mr Firth! Do you actually go to those sites? What was Britney Spears doing in her 'compromising position'? How about Kim Kardashian? Were the bodies done as well as Mr.Kerry's? The rest would have to be up to your imagination. Being as you believe Mr.Obama without hearing what he said, I'm under the impression your imagination is perfectly capable of imagining some naughty and perverted things!

Pervert the truth, why not everything else?

The truth is he lied to the American citizenry. Are you going say that a President won't lie? Do you deny that the first Bush lied when he said 'Read my lips, No new taxes'?

What's the difference??

Only the eyes or ears of the beholder and the stubbornness to hold up that person who personifies their political beliefs and deny the truth of what they said. Can you or do you separate the values they have from the substance of what they say?

A lie is a lie is a lie no matter who says it, and if it was such a great and noble idea, why lie about it?? Why hide the truth from the people that it is supposed to 'help'?

One more thing.. In your estimation, do you believe that the ACA is a step toward Fascism? or Communism?