The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152417   Message #3574926
Posted By: Sarah the flute
12-Nov-13 - 04:30 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Secret Santa- Xmas 2013 - Join Us!
Subject: RE: Mudcat Secret Santa- Xmas 2013 - Join Us!
Here's my list....oooooh sooooo exciting

1. What is your age range? One year older..mid cententary

2. Gender? Female

3. Do you have a favorite color? Purple, dark blue, maroon

4. Favorite authors/type of book? I like faction books ie fiction books based on true facts

5. What books have you really been wanting? None really as I have a library if I want a book I buy it for the library! The only exception to this is traditional music and song books with the dots

6. What type of music do you like? Most stuff except opera and country

7. What CDs have you really been wanting? Your own CD would be appreciated

8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD player)Anything with Irish Ceili dancing on it ie NOT step dancing or set dancing but social dances would be good

9. What is your t-shirt size? Don't really wear them

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what? Odd musical wind and reed based instruments. Someone gave me a nose flute a few Santas back and sadly it is now broken. I used to do a heart rendering rendition of Danny Boy on it dueting with a swanee whistle player - it brought tears to the eyes!

11. What are some of your other hobbies? Mostly music but I also draw cartoons

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? Silver and pewter

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like. I love quirky stuff, gadgets and funny toys etc - the weirder the better

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful. Allergic to incense sticks - perfumed candles are fine

Thank you Santa .... I am being good!!!