The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113436   Message #3575831
Posted By: GUEST,Clive Pownceby
15-Nov-13 - 05:12 AM
Thread Name: Klooks Kleek (blues club in West Hampstead)
Subject: RE: Klooks Kleek
I went once, on a trip down from the north-west. Saw Zoot and the boys, - years later I reminded Zoot that he'd done Mabel John's "Your Good Thing" and that I ordered her Stax single as soon as I got home. He couldn't recall ever having it in their set. Anyway - recollections; - A large rambling dark-wood pub, steep steps up to the clubroom, low stage - Health and Safety issues but did we care!?
There's a short and shakey Youtube clip of Zoot there, doing "Your One And Only Love" - trouser removal n' all. Revisited the pub a few years ago; upstairs all shuttered and looking derelict and with staff unaware and uninterested that such a large part of UK music history involved the space above their heads.
Saw Cream on the same trip, - large pub near Manor House tube, easy to get into bandroom to say 'hi' - no security, Ginger's Mum in there with them too, Eric amazed that I'd come all the way down for a week of mod-clubbing.

Thanks for this thread - timeless and very precious memories.