The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152702   Message #3576352
Posted By: LilyFestre
16-Nov-13 - 06:45 PM
Thread Name: Fall into Winter Declutter & Fitness 2013
Subject: RE: Fall into Winter Declutter & Fitness 2013
I got the official report from my sleep study. Ugh. Just ugh. I'm not sure how they can make a determination of anything. They reported I slept for 26 minutes during the entire study. No REM or other whatever they measure waves...well no kidding..I couldn't sleep! I was in the hospital wearing more jammies than I normally do, not my bed, hooked up to a bazillion wires, a camera watching me do they expect anyone to sleep there? Also, the bed reminded me of the ones in hospice...they look like a normal bed but then they have these steel pillars underneath that raise the bed up...CREEPY. Also, a Dr., who has never even seen me, wrote I need a gastric bypass. Um...seriously? I'm a big girl and yep, I need to lose a lot of weight but if he were a doctor who actually talked to me, he would know I lost over 100 pounds and regained it after my joints crapped out on me from chemo so my exercise of choice was ruled out and energy levels have been in the toilet for well over 3 years now (uh...sleep apnea ringing a bell here?) Give me a chance for f*cks sake! This weight WILL come off. I did it before and I AM doing it again!!   BACK OFF PEOPLE. GRRRRR. It pisses me off to NO END that a doctor who has never met me would suggest that kind of surgery....which..btw, I know MANY people who have had it, some who have had it twice and even one woman who had it done 3 times and I know of only ONE woman who was been able to maintain her weight loss. I am NOT a fan of this surgery and will NEVER consider it. I'd rather be where I am than put my body through that kind of butchering.

Ugh. The whole letter does nothing more than make me anxious.
