The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152785   Message #3577008
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
19-Nov-13 - 08:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Armistice Day (debate)
Subject: RE: BS: Armistice Day (debate)
AJP Taylor quotes, with page refs from his WW1 book.

p.527: "The Germans did not fix on war for August 1914, but they welcomed it when the occasion offered. They could win it now; they were more doubtful later. Hence they surrendered easily to the dictates of a military time-table. Austria-Hungary was growing weaker; Germany believed herself at the height of her strength. They decided on war from opposite motives; and the two decisions together caused a general European war."

"The Powers of the Triple Entente all entered the war to defend themselves."

"It is sometimes said that the war was caused by the system of alliances or, more vaguely, by the Balance of Power. This is a generalization without reality. None of the Powers acted according to their commitments, though no doubt they might have done so if they had not anticipated them. "

p.528:"As to the Balance of Power, it would be truer to say that the war was caused by its breakdown rather than by its existence. ..Russia began to recover her strength, France her nerve. Both insisted on being treated as equals…The Germans resented this and resolved to end it by war, if they could end it no other way.They (germany) feared that the Balance was being re-created. Their fears were exaggerated. "

"The German military plans played a vital part. The other Great Powers thought in terms of defending themselves. "