The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152912   Message #3577822
Posted By: GUEST,Fantum
21-Nov-13 - 03:50 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req/Add:Carolling and Crumpets (J Kirkpatrick)
Subject: Lyr Req: carolling and crumpets
I bought John Kirpatricks song Carolling and Crumpets and having played it through a few times I am trying to decide if it's worth learning. As the thing is nearly 7 minutes long it does need a bit of thought. It's a lot of effort for a song that may only get one or two outings a year and can I do it well enough to keep an audience entertained for 7 minutes. So please is there anybody with a copy of the lyrics that I could scrounge. I can transcribe from the original song but this might save me a lot of effort. If you have to spend any significant time on answering forget and this idle brute will do it.
Many thanks
