The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152702   Message #3578375
Posted By: Bat Goddess
23-Nov-13 - 11:41 AM
Thread Name: Fall into Winter Declutter & Fitness 2013
Subject: RE: Fall into Winter Declutter & Fitness 2013
I'm not sure how life could get more complicated right now than it already is.

I can't remember if I mentioned that my mother in Milwaukee entered hospice earlier this week -- after time in the hospital, rehab and then a couple days in a nursing home. All during which I really could do nothing from this distance with, of course, my hands full with Tom's last illness and death (other than be an available ear for my sister). I just got a call from my sister about an hour ago. She was on her way to the hospice as my mother had taken a turn for the worse and may not live through the day. I gave her some advice based on my all too recent experience and will await whatever is going to happen.

So this rather puts a lot of plans on hold. I don't know if/when I'll be flying to Milwaukee for the funeral. I have to find the errant piece of paper with the date and time of my phone interview with Social Security about the SS death benefit for Tom (in case I have to reschedule). I have to let all those who have invited me to Thanksgiving dinner what's going on. I've made my packing list (I'll be traveling very light), and I called a friend for flying advice. I haven't flown since before 911 and the last time I booked a flight it was through a travel agent.

I distributed a few of Tom's things to friends last night at the session, found out that the fire department doesn't need the wheelchair, etc. so I was planning to Freecycle them, but with all this uncertainty, I'll worry about that later. But I have to get the damned thing out of the car! I would like to get the bags of stuff for Goodwill over there on Monday (and take the time to walk the new labyrinth at Wentworth-Douglass Hospital -- boy, do I need that right now!) and I want to see my neighbor today and perhaps visit a friend tomorrow. I had just called the electrician to schedule the needed work, so called him back this morning to explain why I can't reschedule right now.

Jeri will take care of the cats and mail and the packages I'm expecting.

I've got lists...I've got more lists... What am I forgetting?
