The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152702   Message #3578519
Posted By: VirginiaTam
24-Nov-13 - 02:30 AM
Thread Name: Fall into Winter Declutter & Fitness 2013
Subject: RE: Fall into Winter Declutter & Fitness 2013
Oh {{{{{ Linn }}}}}. I am amazed at how upbeat is your writing (and replete with sharp detail) here on FB. Think you must be running on left over adrenaline. Please do take time to wind down and recover. That Labrynth sounds lovely.

Maggie and Sins - WooHoot! Way to go the weight loss. Sins extra for making it through and getting good report from doctor.

To all others. Just hug.

Got the call from Acura Home Health Care on Friday. First dose of Golimumab arrives this Wednesday (so glad I can arrange the delivery for my day off work) along with injection pen, swabs, sharps box, plasters etc. The nurse to show me how to do first inject will call some time this coming week. Fingers, eyes and toes (due to RA) crossed for luck that this treatment will work and that I won't suffer to much from side effects and not at all from the worrying risks.