The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152702   Message #3579157
Posted By: Jeri
25-Nov-13 - 06:25 PM
Thread Name: Fall into Winter Declutter & Fitness 2013
Subject: RE: Fall into Winter Declutter & Fitness 2013
After buying the new old car and getting stuff on my house fixed, I figured it was safe to buy a jacket, so I did. I might not be able to afford the ideal house or ideal car (at least not a new one), but I figured I'd go after the ideal jacket. After all, it was on sale. Last night as I was not sleeping, I heard the awful drainy-suck noise my heating system made when the guys were working on the house. I messed with various things and turned it all the way down (which is 50°F) and went back to bed. The guy was coming to do the annual cleaning today anyway.

So today, the guy comes and determines the pump for that level's (downstairs) heat is dead. Replaces it. Nothing. Now, for the funny part, which probably is my fault somehow: it was the wrong level's pump. Got it all sorted out and working. I'm warm and happy... other than finding yet another opportunity to dispose of money.

But I love my Sub, my parka has shipped, and things could be worse.