The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1156   Message #3580
Posted By: Murray
28-Mar-97 - 02:57 AM
Thread Name: Tonic Sol-fa
Subject: RE: Sol-fa
Rodney, a sharpened note is shown by a change of the vowel in the pronunciation of a note: d is "doh" [a deer], and a sharpened doh is "dee", which is written "de" -- and so on for the rest of the scale. A flattened note gets the sound "aw", e.g. "maw" = a flattened third, written ma. A minor key, by the way, has to be treated as beginning on the sixth of the relative major. You'll have to look up all the refinements of this, using punctuation marks to indicate a half-beat and so on. Hope this works for you.