The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153035   Message #3581588
Posted By: Bill D
04-Dec-13 - 08:56 PM
Thread Name: iceland writes off debt
Subject: RE: iceland wrires off debt
"IF a name is supposed to be included why does the system permit anonymoys posts?"

One reason is because blocking some IP addresses is almost impossible without blocking the innocent. Another is that major code revisions would have to be written in order to require a membership or distinct name, and the real expert code writer is no longer with us.

Deleting totally anonymous 'guest' posting in the BS area was tried during some of the worst times, but the mods simply could not keep up, and even trying caused confusion in the flow of posts.

So..Max seems to have decreed they not try unless posting was really egregious. That does NOT mean it is polite or friendly to babble on anonymously...especially when several cowards ummm...'guests' go on in the same thread, making it hard to respond to anyone in particular.

What used to be the rule and is still requested, is that everyone use a consistent name, even if it is not a registered one. It is a fair request.. it still allows anonymity... and it is polite- not that some give a rats ass about politeness.