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Thread #152856   Message #3581881
Posted By: akenaton
05-Dec-13 - 07:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Pope's Survey
Subject: RE: BS: The Pope's Survey
Steve says...If you think there's any agonising to do over the "morals" of a homosexual couple that doesn't apply to other people, well that's your sad lookout. Even my saying that their morals are none of my business would be a statement laden with value judgement that would be a sad reflection on none other than me. We could celebrate the diversity of humanity instead, if you like.

If these infection rates applied to heterosexuals, we would not now be discussing the niceties of "diversity", or "human rights", heterosexuals would be "rounded up" as Ian puts it, forced to to take STD tests for all of the diseases and if it were possible due to the numbers involved, incarcerated.
If these rates applied to heterosexuals, it would be "the end of society"
The reason we do not seriously address the issue by increasing testing, contact tracing and targeting of the most affected demographic, is because we can, and because it is politically beneficial NOT to do so.