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Thread #153083   Message #3582817
Posted By: JohnInKansas
09-Dec-13 - 05:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama's Christmas gift to the needy
Subject: RE: BS: Obama's Christmas gift to the needy
Famous Socialist Organizations, according to Wiki:

Parties related to German Nazism ideology[edit]
Bulgarian National Socialist Party (Bulgarian, anti-Semitic)
Canadian National Socialist Unity Party (Canada)(pro-Anglo-Canadian/ French-Canadian)
German National Socialist Workers' Party (Czechoslovakia) (Sudeten German, anti-Semitic)
Russian National Unity (pro-Russian, pro-Russia-apartheid, anti-Semitic, anti-non-Russian-indigenous)
Greek National Socialist Party (Italian-style fascist, pro-Hitler)
Hungarian National Socialist Party (one of several such groups, 1920s-40s) (German-style National Socialist, anti-Semitic)
Iranian National Socialist Party (est. 1952) (pro-Hitler, anti-Semitic, anti-Arab, anti-Turk)
Nasjonal Samling (Norway, est. May 13, 1933 - dissolved May 8, 1945)(German-style National Socialist, anti-Semitic, anti-Masonic)
National Socialist Action Party (United Kingdom, est. 1982)(British, possibly anti-immigrant)
National Socialist Dutch Workers Party (favored German annexation of the Netherlands)
National Socialist German Workers Party (Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party)
National Socialist Japanese Workers Party (Japan, anti-minority,
National Socialist League (United Kingdom 1930s) (British, pro-Hitler)
National Socialist League (United States) (gay, "Aryan", pro-Hitler)
National Socialist Party of America (white, anti-Semitic, anti-black)
National Socialist Party of Australia (a neo-Nazi organisation)
National Socialist Party of New Zealand (German-style National Socialist, anti-Semitic)
National Socialist Party (Romania) (German-style National Socialist)
National Socialist People's Party of Sweden (Italian/German style fascist/National Socialist)
National Socialist White People's Party (Harold Covington) (Pacific Northwest secessionist, pro-apartheid, white, anti-Semitic)
National Socialist Workers' Party of Denmark (German-style National Socialist, anti-Semitic)
National Socialist Workers Party (Spain)
National Socialist Workers' Party (Sweden) (started as a German-style National Socialist party, but became more leftist and independently Swedish before declining during WWII)
Russian National Socialist Party (Russian nationalist, fascist, theocratic (Orthodox Christian), socialist, anti-immigrant)
Socialist Reich Party (Germany) (pro-Hitler, pro-German-reunification, Holocaust-denying, anti-American, pro-Soviet but anti-communist and anti-capitalist, post-WWII)
Sudeten German National Socialist Party (Sudeten German, pro-annexation-by-Germany)
Swedish National Socialist Farmers' and Workers' Party (Agrarism, pro-Hitler)
Syrian Social Nationalist Party (secular, nationalist, pro-Syria, fascist)

Anybody can call themselves anything they want to.
