The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2483   Message #3583015
Posted By: GUEST
09-Dec-13 - 04:19 PM
Thread Name: Req: If You Want People to Like You, Learn German
Subject: RE: Req: If You Want People to Like You, Learn German
I randomly heard this on the radio twice, many years ago; probably in 1988. This is the first time I've ever heard of anyone else knowing about it. The chorus goes "If you want people to like you learn German. Your friends will all like you when you sprechen sie deutsche. You will win such popularity, when you speak your Deutsche with clarity; today it's Franfurt sausage, tomorrow the world" There were funny references to 'the guys who invented the V2 rocket and answer ze questions. It is hilarious. I even publicly recounted this radio experience at a business breakfast, where the head of Newcastle ABC radio was speaking. After I had everyone in the room wondering where this was going, I asked 'Could play it again?' This brought the house down. I now have my record player working again and have a great collection. But that is the Lynch pin I could do with to make it complete. So if anyone, anywhere knows details, I'd be delighted. I'll go over this enormous thread when I'm not rushing out for work and see what I can extract.