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Thread #153083   Message #3583093
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
10-Dec-13 - 06:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama's Christmas gift to the needy
Subject: RE: BS: Obama's Christmas gift to the needy
Ah yes!....Remember how the Bushes ran to our rescue from the WMD's in Iraq....only to stuff the pockets of Halliburton? It seemed a noble enough 'cause' know, our 'national security'....but all along it was to save the dollar, and give as many of them to the 'evil empire' Halliburton.....and before that, it was Clinton, with another 'noble cause' reversing Glass-Steagal to help his mega-corp buddies, while under the guise of making home buying 'affordable', (yuk yuk, jokes on you!), and Papa Bush stuffing the pockets of Bechtel, while 'saving' us from another desert threat.......not to mention the AIG bailout, which our present 'savior' voted for.....hmm...ya' think he's still helping out those insurance corps, with the 'noble cause' rap???.....but our 'so-called liberal' buddies can't see it....because they only see that he is a (sorta) black prop puppet of the same ol' shit!....and if people don't like his policies, it's only because their racist, right????

You fucking suckers!

Oh, and don't forget the noble cause of Vietnam, with its 'Golden Triangle' to 'protect'...and Central America, who Reagan referred to the Contras as, "...the moral equivalent to our founding fathers."..(I think he meant, "...the moral equivalent to the Mafia.")...but it didn't sound noble enough.....when there was so much Coke to sell.

Are these 'mere coincidences'? Is it a mere coincidence that this shit comes with the support and appeal to which ever dumb-fuck party line they are courting...all for the sake of 'national security' and 'helping the disadvantaged'......

...and Don, if you weren't so disabled by your own moral turpitude, you might not be so vulnerable to swallowing their horse shit, either!

Something for ALL to think about....and BTW, Songwronger has it right, insofar as calling a spade a spade.

...and also, BTW, I clocked Obama was a bullshitter back in the first primaries, when I was referring to him as 'Oblabbo'...but as I told Amos, I'd cut him a tear slack......guess what???

Your Most Humble Servant,