The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153083   Message #3583215
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
11-Dec-13 - 05:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama's Christmas gift to the needy
Subject: RE: BS: Obama's Christmas gift to the needy
Republicans?? Democrats??...That's for you guys. Representing corporations and bankers is what politicians are about. Lying to the public to pull it off is what the last few administrations are about. Low level political hacks/wannabe activists, are those deluded devotees who carry on the lies, justify the lies, and sometimes even believe the lies. This is self evident right before your very eyes!..whether it is Bush's devotees, Clinton's devotees or Obama's devotees....but the 'rub' is when you find out that YOU were one of the dupes, who bought into the corruption cycle...(It's all tied into 'moral turpitude', Don).

A PERFECT example of it is the thread "RE: BS: So who's signed up for Obamacare?"..Note the exchange between Don Firth and 'Nobody in Particular'(NiP) ...'NiP's only real objection was that Obama lied to promote the ACA....and look at the treatment he/she received, and accusations and spinning into the land of contortions Don went through, while embarrassing the whole of Mudcat's posters!...but the simple fact remains, that Obama lied, and the insurance companies now have a law forcing people to buy their shit, at a higher price, that they don't need, want...or for that matter, even get! ..I was away from the computer for a few weeks, but when I got back on, I was astounded when I read the thread...and NO, Don and Ebbie...NiP and I are not the same people...I don't think I could have been that polite and patient while dealing with Mr. Turpitude, that long!..while he bold faced lied his way to the end of the thread!!!...and when he wasn't lying, he was justifying Obama's lying!!
...not that I want to pick on Don, but he is a perfect example, in that (among other) threads, of how corrupt politicians hide behind 'noble causes' while forcing crooked agendas!!
READ the'll blow you away, as to the tactics of how bullshit gets spread!...NiP had government healthcare, he/she even called for people to make constructive suggestions..he/she had no issues with the ACA bill, other than the deception used to promote it...and look how they threw every bullshit tactic out of the 'so-called liberals' playbook at him/her!!

Suggestion:..Get a fucking life!

How long have I been harping on about 'corruption'??....five years or so??....How many times have you seen the words, 'so-called liberals'??? I hope it's starting to sink in, that some of you have been had. Some of you actually THOUGHT that Obama was really a 'progressive liberal' else could he have got traction to pull off one of the most massive scams in U.S. history????...well maybe he had some competition..Clinton, Glass-Steagal and NAFTA, Bush with Desert Storm and "Read MY Lips....(blah blah blah...), and before that, Bush/Clinton with Mena, Arkansas, gun and drug running with the Contras, then Iran/Contra...Oh, and Bechtel and Halliburton, Blackwater and WMD's..JUST FOR STARTERS!...and all these had global ramifications.....while the political hack/devotees prattle on, on how 'they know better' and everyone else is stupid!.....Oh, and one more detail......those things I listed are just a fraction of the bullshit that represents America to the rest of the world!!!
NiP was dead on, as was Songwronger in that thread. (I bailed earlier because I was involved in some serious music stuff).
Personally, I don't give a flying fuck about politics one way or the other. It's too confusing keeping track of all the bullshit that they stir up everybody with...let alone what they are really doing, behind the curtain....who they are shafting, and who their crony capitalist ventures are out to screw..THIS TIME!

Meanwhile, the Rockefellers think that the Chinese have the ideal model....FOR YOU!!!..not them...I wonder how they'll package that happy horse shit. for me....I'm not with the party..I'm with the band.
It's all clear to me.....I'm not the one deluding myself with 'noble causes'...and advising others that the new con, is the path for the future...and all "us wise people know what's better for all the peasants".

If that were the case, play folk music.