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Thread #153083   Message #3583707
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
12-Dec-13 - 06:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama's Christmas gift to the needy
Subject: RE: BS: Obama's Christmas gift to the needy
Blaming the Republicans is just a ploy, as to disguise the fact that both parties are involved WITH each other to take America down a notch or two....That being said, the main fault of both the Republicans AND the Democrats, is NEITHER have been truthful....and they have been bought off. Virtually ALL of them are 'over somebody's barrel', thus crippling any of them to execute their office honestly.
Did you ever wonder WHY, Dennis Kucinich caved in on the Obamacare pressure, to vote for it....and then didn't bother to even run again???
I bet you dollars to doughnuts he KNOWS EXACTLY what the bullshit is, and has chosen NOT to play!