The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153101   Message #3583948
Posted By: Songwronger
13-Dec-13 - 10:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama and the EMP-electromagnetic pulse
Subject: RE: BS: Obama and the EMP-electromagnetic pulse
Just do a search of "Snopes Soros" and you'll see why I don't bother with the site. Most "fact-checking" sites are politically biased. I've found that about 2/3rds are left-leaning, the others conservative. Say nope to Snopes.

Fascinating stuff about the Julelads, skarpi. Been reading about that tonight. Nice tradition. Far richer than the homogenized Santa Claus. I believe Santa was conceived of by advertisers, to be used for the purpose of selling crap at Christmastime. But the Julelads...fascinating folk stuff. Thanks for bringing up the subject.

GfS, I posted the link to the video at the start of this, and people can make what they want of it. If they want to investigate the timeline of the missing nukes, Charleston, the fired generals and all of that, the search engines are there. The dates and places are recorded on the internet. As for Lindsay Graham, it was really spooky for a U.S. Senator to be so specific about a nuke target (Charleston, in his home state of South Carolina). That made a bunch of people wonder what was going on. He made that claim at the height of the manufactured Syrian Invasion hysteria, when Obama was threatening the world with World War III. Graham may have been thinking small, thinking that Obama wanted to nuke a southern state in order to get his desired race war going at home and the war with Syria abroad. Who knows? It's disturbing that a U.S. senator can't conceive of something like a lunatic interloper in the white house using science and technology to bomb the U.S. back to steam power. What the hell do we pay those slobs for anyway? They need to protect us from psychos like Obama.