The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153083   Message #3583965
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
14-Dec-13 - 01:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama's Christmas gift to the needy
Subject: RE: BS: Obama's Christmas gift to the needy
Firth: "Goofball, I stand by everything I said."

So What???
Go review the Obamacare thread....then let them judge what a slimy manipulator you are.....and then remember...this thread is NOT about you and your lies, justifying your other lies, justifying Obama's lies.

Just remember 'moral turpitude'...but then you're not even honest with yourself to spot it!

Take a stroll back through that thread. It's so fucking obvious and out front I can't believe you are pretending to be that fucking blind and stupid.......

......but then maybe I're well practiced at it! even believe your own press!

Delusional psychopathic!